MMJ singles & eps

Started by DylanK, Jan 10, 2004, 05:49 AM

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I just recently rounded up all the MMJ full length cds. Can someone help me on what I should get out of the singles and eps. Are all them essential? Can someone please give me a guide to the best oes and the ones to get last...I would appreciate it! Thanks guys and girls!!!
See you @ the Atlanta show...


Here's the ones you definitely should have:

My Morning Jacket Does X-Mas Fiasco Style
Their Xmas EP is probably the best Xmas music ever made. Very beautiful. Makes Xmas worthwile for a change. And at least it's not Wham.

Chocolate and Ice
This one's gonna surprise you, but that's the reason every newbie should listen to it. It's the weird, experimental side of MMJ that isn't really present on It still moves. It's weird and trippy and contains one of Jims masterpieces: "Cobra", a song lasting 24 minutes, containing 5 parts including dub, ambient and a 5 minute guitar solo. A must-have.

Split EP w/ Songs: Ohia
Contains the-song-that-could-have-been-a-huge-megahit: "O is the one that is real". A fucking good song, the best popsong they ever made. Repetitive, a little psychedelich, cathcy as hell. And the other 2 songs on this gem don't deserve to disappear in obscurity either. To be totally honest, this could be my favorite release of them. You really should have this.

As for the other EPs and singles, they're more for when you've got everything and you're still hungry.  :)
I'm ready when you are


I've had the 'It Still Moves' album for a couple of months and lovin every minute of it. On a similar vain to the thread posted here, I was wondering if the other two albums from MMJ are similar to the new album or if they differ, perhaps more rocky or country or something. I can't download anything unfortuantly.

Also, going to see them at The Astoria so looking forward to it big time...

It is nice to be important but it is more important to be nice.


The other albums are much slower, more accoustic songs. Especially The Tennessee Fire is loaded with lo-fi country-ish songs, just Jim on his acoustic guitar. At dawn is a little in between, but still plenty of ballads and ambient. It still moves is the first one where they rock from begin to end.
I'm ready when you are


Now I wish I could give a full review of the latest "Run thry" single, but the damn thing won't arrive! I ordered it about a month ago at and I also paid for it already, but it won't arrive! Goddamn!  >:(
I'm ready when you are


If you're a hopeless collector like me, you need to know about Ger Potze's fan site:

He's got every release from promos to full-lengths, plus alphabetical listings of songs and a complete compilation listing. He's a nice lad too, helped me find a few European-only MMJ releases and mailed to me (he's in Holland).


Hi All
If anyone has any advice on this I'd appreciate it:

Where can I find MMJ Does Gold Hole and MMJ Does Bad Jazz???  I would really like to add these to my collection and have been having the worst luck finding them--I don't think the record labels exist anymore(?) and I know they were limited release items but they're only a couple years old so I'm thinking there must be a couple copies floating around somewhere.  ANY IDEAS???????
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.