MMJ bit torrents...

Started by discoporch, Jan 19, 2004, 04:38 PM

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just wondering if any tapers are converting shows for
bit torrenting.(.shn/.flac files)
has tons of widespread panic, as the name implies, but is
also open to MMJ, Dead, Gov't Mule...etc.  

...also, how does one go about getting the FTP info??


If you are looking for MMJ bit torrents I know that has a couple of shows.  Matt


What about non-mp3 FTP sites for SHNs of MMJ? I enjoy listening to Conway's generously offered mp3s, but also want the full experience and the bits and bytes of music available.

I've got the SHNs of 10/15/00 on my HD for the next few that want a SHN B&P. Thanks to Syrek for the discs!


there are 2 BT's for 1/31, 1 for 1/24 & 1 for 1/16 all going right now on digipanic and bt.etree
Rock 'n' roll is alive and well and living at a stinking dive bar near you.

--Patterson Hood, Drive-By Truckers


I'm formally requesting that these puppies be uploaded to a server for that small minority of folks who's universities have blocked Bit Torrent ports but still allow FTP access...


i'm really hoping for the same thing.  my campus has totally blocked off bt access. might also be another option.  there audio/video section allows uploads.