MMJ review in entertainment weekly..

Started by darkglow, Aug 01, 2004, 11:11 PM

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check out page 78.. i think.. it's the first page of the music section of this weeks (august 6) issue.. a review of acoustic citsuoca.. they gave it a B the bastards


Still waitin on that ish.  Course any rag that puts mikey moore on the cover isn't really going to have the taste to review a wonderful piece of music with any level of intelligence... ::)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


I don't know what to think....getting reviewed by Entertainment Weekly....don't really consider that a "music" mag.  Who knows what to think.  If you are a reviewer of music for that magazine that is a little scary.


peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteStill waitin on that ish.  Course any rag that puts mikey moore on the cover isn't really going to have the taste to review a wonderful piece of music with any level of intelligence... ::)


let's just say this:

any magazine who chooses to review and does a sloppy job of it deserves our a point.  remember how we skewered that other guy?  boy, that was fun.

EW is a rag, but publicity is publicity.  
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I hear what you are saying but still.....


peanut butter puddin surprise

well, i guess it depends upon which side of the "critics don't know shit vs. critics are the all knowing orbs of musical knowledge" argument you fall on.

reviews have been pretty positive over the past few years.  that's good.  yes, there have been some mags I've either never heard of or shuddered when I heard their names reviewing the boys work, but that's few and far between.  

there are good reviewers and bad reviewers...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


parts of me hates the reviewers for EW because of the quality of the review but exposure is key and the music will speak for itself..
it's like spitting on MTV for playing MMJ.. if they ever did people would gaze and wonder why they never found these guys before they spent tons of money on nickelback concert tickets and cds.


Here's my take:  
   If EW had given them a great review, would we have been happy--probably.  Would we have been just as happy if they also gave the Ashlee Simpson CD a great review?  Probably not.  I, for one, have never really relied on a review by a magazine that caters to people devoted to learning about the lives of hollywood stars.  
   Personally, I was somewhat shocked that EW even reviewed Acoustic Citsuoca to begin with.  Is this the first time that the boys got an EP reviewed in a "generic" magazine.  I know It Still Moves was reviewed by a broad range of magazines, etc., but I would think this is their first EP to be reviewed by such a magazine.  Thus, I take the view that this is a good thing, even though it might not be the most positive review, because it demonstrates that MMJ is only get more and more well known.

   By the way, I love ready Acoustic Citsuoca reviews because they always believe that they actually recorded the songs in one setting on Halloween in this made up town of Braintree.  I am sure the band gets a big kick everytime they read about that.


It's like revisitng the pitchforkmedia situation....hit and miss and you would hope that a website that is dedicated to exposing bands of the like of MMJ, GBV, The Wrens, Franz Ferdinand, etc., would make a point to find quality reviewers but as far as I can tell they don't.  I'll bet there are amny people on this forum that could be a better job.


peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteIt's like revisitng the pitchforkmedia situation....hit and miss and you would hope that a website that is dedicated to exposing bands of the like of MMJ, GBV, The Wrens, Franz Ferdinand, etc., would make a point to find quality reviewers but as far as I can tell they don't.  I'll bet there are amny people on this forum that could be a better job.


I believe that as well...for the past few months, I've been reading some of the reviews there and have been generally unimpressed and/or annoyed at the sloppy work.  I also believe that crappy reviews of recent GBV material did a huge disservice to the band and probably aided in their demise.  I mean, come on-how many bands out there can live up to "doesn't sound like Alien Lanes" or "not a return to form as indicated in their press releases"...can't they just tell us what this record's MUSIC is like, and just maybe, MAYBE enjoy what an artist produces?  I think Pollard must have gotten sick of reading "doesn't sound like earlier work"...well, no SHIT it doesn't, this is a new record, it's different.  they accenuate the negative so often there, I could just puke.

not to mention that you have to wade through a page and a half of how the "writer" heard their first song 5 years ago, and how that affected them, and how their girlfriends hate them for liking it, and how many pop tarts they've eaten before they wrote this article...and, to boot, there's a proliferation of last minute, slopped together shite written 4 minutes before a deadline, and 90% of it is how they got it together so quickly.

note to self:  I need to get out more!
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Even though it was not actually recorded in Braintree, the town does exist up here in Mass.  I think the band gets a kick out of brain-tree, thus the choice of this town for their fake concert.  I don't understand how a critic cannot be aware that this is a fake scenario.  Oh well.  Peace.