Another Newbie

Started by ironchefbenjata, May 09, 2005, 11:34 AM

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Hey now
I'm new here also. I caught the MMJ bug about six months ago. Thanks to, I've been able to listen to some recordings. All I can say is I can't wait to see them live. It's an amazing feeling to discover a band who just really hit me on all levels. It's also a great feeliing meeting up with people who share in yout enthusiasm and love of great music. That's a big part of why I am here, to connect with people.
Musically, my loves are pretty diverse. Music that has depth, has a soul, music that speaks to me. Everything from Black Flag to the Grateful Dead. From Joy Division to Wilco. (As someone mentioned before, I'm also a true blue Jeff Buckley fan.)
I'm an aspiring writer, a library worker, a caterer, a wine geek, a musician. Anything else, just ask. It's great to be here.


Hello and welcome  :D

It's strange but true that this band does attract interesting and all round nice people. Not that we don't have our disagreements, but we generally rub along happily together. I love Led Zeppelin and Alice Cooper  8)  (Feel free to mock  ;))


Whuuuuut? Dude, you like WHO? What's WRONG with you? (totally joking.  :))

Quote'm an aspiring writer, a library worker, a caterer, a wine geek, a musician.

Wicked! We have lots of those about. :)

by the way, I've figured out that I get those weird symbols in here when I cut and paste, so I would image there will be funny symbols in here. argh.



QuoteI love Led Zeppelin and Alice Cooper  8)  (Feel free to mock  ;))

There's nothing wrong with Led Zep.
when i was a teenager i covered a lot of musical ground. i mean, there were all these bands that i was discovering and learning about and it was really awkward because there were so many people telling me what i could and couldn't listen to. "if you like Band X you can't possibly like Band Q! what's wrong with you?!" when i started growing my hair long and going to see bands like the Dead and Santana, my punk rock "friends" just disowned me. i went through a lot of different phases, like everyone does i think, i did my goth trip, shoegaze trip, indie rock trip, acid rock trip, the janes addiction trip, the alt country trip, and whatever else. and now thank god i am older and a little wiser, i don't lump myself into one category.  but i'm happy to call myself a jackethead.
you'll get no mocking from me man.


dammit.. i'm 20.. let me hear from some folks near-about my age so i don't feel so out of my element.. no offense to the older bunch.. i'm just curious to see if i'm the youngest fanatic here.. by a little or a long shot.


by the way i liked the "shoegaze trip" you mentioned.. i have never heard it that but i really can't wait to use that word.

"you bunch of shoegazers"


You're not the youngest. We're very mixed bunch and I really hope nobody feels out of their depth. I've heard a few people say they're in their teens.

all my life is obscene

Quotedammit.. i'm 20.. let me hear from some folks near-about my age so i don't feel so out of my element.. no offense to the older bunch.. i'm just curious to see if i'm the youngest fanatic here.. by a little or a long shot.

you're not alone...i'm 19...anybody younger???
Music is my savior
I was maimed by rock and roll
I was maimed by rock and roll
I was tamed by rock and roll
I got my name from rock and roll



there seems to be a wide variety of musical tastes here. I just got a delivery of 'Sin City - Best of the Flying Burrito Brothers' and GP/Grievous Angel by Gram Parsons. Thay guy is/was a genius. I think Jim and him have quite a similar voice, in that they both have very emotional ways of singing. That field of 'country-rock' (if that is what it is classed as) is something i am getting quite heavily into at the moment.

i think you'll find lots of like minded people here. i suppose i can call myself an aspiring writer as well. what kind of stuff do you write?
Why's it sooo soft when the cannons unload on the others?
Why're we so loud when we say it wont happen to us?


for the sake of argument, I feel i should add i'm 23.
Why's it sooo soft when the cannons unload on the others?
Why're we so loud when we say it wont happen to us?

peanut butter puddin surprise

hmmmmph.  what's age got to do with it, exactly?  ;)  you're not the youngest on the board...I think!

anyhoo, welcome aboard!  glad to have you along for the ride.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


welcome... Zep kicks ass and Cooper ain't bad himself!


19 years old here big sexy's...

and welcome baby!



there seems to be a wide variety of musical tastes here. I just got a delivery of 'Sin City - Best of the Flying Burrito Brothers' and GP/Grievous Angel by Gram Parsons. Thay guy is/was a genius. I think Jim and him have quite a similar voice, in that they both have very emotional ways of singing. That field of 'country-rock' (if that is what it is classed as) is something i am getting quite heavily into at the moment.

i think you'll find lots of like minded people here. i suppose i can call myself an aspiring writer as well. what kind of stuff do you write?

I'm slowly becoming schooled on Graham Parsons. I'm digging what I've heard so far. I hear a lot of various influences in MMJ and still they come off sounding like no one else.

The Byrd's 'Sweethearts of the Rodeo?' that's a way cool album.

I'm trying to write a novel. I do some food and wine writing freelance. I write poems and etcetera.


Just felt like adding that I'm 13. 8)
I love MMJ.  They are an amazing band, and I hope to see them live in MI on June 21st with Wilco! ;D
I wanted something, nothing, blank, I don't know
It's hard deflecting
Stones are easy to throw
All in a moment I noticed
Hours, days, left behind
On wasted, useless, selfish, none of a kind-QOTSA


Welcome! Glad to have you aboard. You're sure to love the show. They're outstanding live  8)


Welcome and take the Doctors advice about their outstanding live shows.You will be amazed at the emotional energy these guys can produce.You are in for a treat.


Quotedammit.. i'm 20.. let me hear from some folks near-about my age so i don't feel so out of my element.. no offense to the older bunch.. i'm just curious to see if i'm the youngest fanatic here.. by a little or a long shot.

i'm 20 too! i've seen the Jacket twice but only recently really got into them - recently like a few months ago i guess. i'm still digging too.
another day, another dollar
another song, another mile