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Started by replica, Dec 24, 2004, 12:48 PM

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Hello Folks !

I just bought the Xmas Fiasco EP on iTunes. Since you only get the front cover in iTunes, is there a kind sould who could email me a scan of the back cover ? I like to burn a CD of it to listen to in my car and that just looks so unprofessional without the back cover...

Frederic, Belgium :)


Seriously?  You need to print the back cover so that you can look at it while you're driving?  Are you a taxi driver who plays really wicked tunes and your passengers want to see the album covers?

veeerrrryyy iiinnnnttteeerrreessssssssttiiinnggg.


Come on guys an gals, there must be somebody who can help Frederic out. I'd do it myself if I weren't technically inept.


Hahaha ! No, I don't look at them while driving.  :D

It's just that I'm pretty anal about my CD collection and I like it to be as neat as possible.



sorry, no access to a scanner


I'll try and sort it for you tomorrow (Thursday)if nobody else steps in before that.
the future is Ginger


Aaaah, there are still kind people in this world !

I just found it in my mailbox, thank you Ian !



Pleasure, mate.
the future is Ginger