Rolling Stone Mysteries

Started by harristrensky, Feb 14, 2005, 10:26 PM

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Hey where the hell can I find "The Bear" and (shit i forgot what else he plays) from that Rolling Stone session with Jim?  I have "Steam Engine" but I crave more.
I was a big old bear once.



yo' check in with forum resident John Conaway.  He's got a server full of MMJ/solo Jim loaded in it.  if you ask nice he'll give access ;)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.



pm or email john conaway he'll hook ya up ;)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.



I couldn't wait to read this thread.  When I saw "Rolling Stone Mysteries"  I pictured Keith, Mick, and the boys tooling around in a van and getting chased by ghosts.

God, life is one big disappointment after another.


QuoteI couldn't wait to read this thread.  When I saw "Rolling Stone Mysteries"  I pictured Keith, Mick, and the boys tooling around in a van and getting chased by ghosts.

God, life is one big disappointment after another.
Oh NO tundra.  No no no.  

Okay, how about the mystery of Keith's pants?

Way back in the early seventies, Keith and Gram were sitting around by the piano.  They'd just spent the night trying on chiffon scarves and testing their skill in eye shadow application.  Keith was teaching Gram this new song called "Wild Horses", and Gram was having a hard time learning it.  So Keith says, "Look.  Okay Gram.  You need the lucky pants."  And Gram, rightfully, said "What are you talking about?"  Keith replied, "Well, Mick has the same troubles that you do.  His hands are too big, and he doesn't like to practise, so when we have a show coming up, I let him wear the lucky pants."  So Keith went upstairs (they were staying in a Villa in Santa Monica), and came down with these pretty plain looking pants.  Keith said "Give 'em a go, eh?"  So Gram put them on, and suddenly there was magic.  Gram was singing Wild Horses as though he'd written it himself.  He was soloing as though he were the reincarnation of Hank Williams.  

When Gram passed on a few years later, he was wearing the pants, and was rightfully burned by that most deluxe of road managers.  The pants were literally toast.  (oooooooohhhhhhh, sorry that's kind of sick)  

A few days later, Mick was having his usual troubles.  Well, wasn't Keith in a pickle?  What could he do, now?  The band was fucked.  And then, in the Villa, the doorbell rang.  It was a delivery man from the pants store.  He had brought a pair of black pants specially sent to Keith from a GA.  "GA", thought Keith, "Who could that be, then?"  But the pants, unbelievably, were the exact pants that Keith had lent to Gram a month earlier.  So Keith told Mick to put them on immediately, and suddenly Mick was back to his old self.  It was amazing.

It was only in the last couple of years, after the liver transplant and the continual blood transfusions, that Keith realized.

"Ah shit, mate.  Grievous Angel."


(it's totally a lie, but it's all for you.)


Quote(it's totally a lie, but it's all for you.)

There's another disappointment: I believed every word. Well, I'm teary eyed anyway. :)
I'm ready when you are

peanut butter puddin surprise

that's an amazing lie, Meg!

How about:

Robert Plant and Jimmy Page were hanging out in a Toronto nightclub waiting for Joni Mitchell to arrive to start her set promptly at 8 p.m.  It's 1970, the Untitled record hasn't come out yet, and since the band was holed up at Bron Y'Aur recording it, Jimmy and Robert decided to take a break by flying the Concorde to Toronto just to see Joni play live.  Having a gazillion dollars affords those kind of breaks...

The spotlight comes on, and as Joni opens her mouth to emit the first note of the first song, a drunken Neil Young throws open the doors and shouts at the top of his lungs "I'm going to California with an aching in my heart if you don't come with me right now, Joni Mitchell!"  The audience is stunned into complete silence.  Joni motions for the security to unload Mr. Young, and the show goes on as normal without a mention of this event.

A very stoned Jimmy Page is secretly recording the show under his table, so when he gets back to England, he rewinds the tape and hears very plainly what the hammered Neil has shouted.  He runs into the next room to find Robert, and together they get inspired by his rant to write Going to California.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there



Wow!  I LOVE that story, John.  

It reminds me (not to only stick to one theme, but) of the story of Gram and Emmylou.  Chris and (was it sneaky pete?) were in a nightclub in the village in New York, and Emmylou was playing.  They saw her, and freaked, and called Gram in LA and said "You have got to see this woman".  And Emmylou was almost at the end of her rope - on the verge of fucking off from music.  And then Gram met her (probably not until a year later, I think), and look at that.  Crazy world!  

(that one's actually true, but it's just as wacky as the others.  life is one wacky event after another.)