some idiot's review

Started by red_yeti, Jun 18, 2005, 04:46 PM

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i found this lovely review while browsing online today....

My Morning Jacket – "It Still Moves" – RCA
Third time out – first time at full length – My Morning Jacket (or My Yawning Jacket, depending on which side of the back yard fence you sit) have been cooking nicely on the promising back burner in the Sounds A Bit Like Neil Young kitchen for some time now. Wide-screened purveyors of Americana tinged alt.rock'n'roll,- is what it says on the box. A very boring attempt to replicate the contents of a 50 something's record collection – is what I wrote on this scrap of paper last nite at about 1.30am. Why do they send us this shit? Do these cunts even bother to read the damn zine – at all – ever? If they did – even just a few paragraphs – they'd surely know not to send us this shit. Wouldn't they?

apparently, we should check out some of his other craptastic music instead...what an idiot


this guy seems like nothing but a cynic. I wonder what music he does like?
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Everybody's entitled to their opinion of course, but I looked at some of his other reviews, and this guy's just trying to look clever. He doesn't know what he's talking about. First time at full length  ???


Quotethis guy seems like nothing but a cynic. I wonder what music he does like?

His and his friends if I know the type.  There's a lot of "Jacket jealousy" in da ville so I'm used to those assholes (I mean, opinions ;)) like this one.  Afterall, it takes a lot of people to make a world!
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


guys any real music fan dont mean shit!


^^^ very true

i'm not mad that this reviewer doesn't like ISM...everyone has different tastes, i'm mad that he is such an asshole about it.

on a side not, i pity anyone who can't find something to like about MMJ.
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


and if you do go by reviews...MMJ is one of the bands that has nothing but positive reveiws...the negatvie ones are more that says a lot as well...



Yes, I guess everyone's entitled to their opinions.  When they're opinions.

But it doesn't make me want to kick the shit out of this guy any less.  Jackass.



Yes, I guess everyone's entitled to their opinions.  When they're opinions.

But it doesn't make me want to kick the shit out of this guy any less.  Jackass.

I'm glad someone else said it.  I think it is amazing that MMJ gets such good reviews, you have to expect a bad one from time to time.  But people who turn themselves off to the music before they have a chance to let it affect them make me sick.  I guess it's okay to be that shallow but why visit it up on us?
Thanks for posting it anyway, I was beginning to wonder where the bad reviews were.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


"craptastic".........what a great word!!!!!!!!!!!! mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!