Elizabethtown, MMJ and Paul Schneider.

Started by adverse, Jun 28, 2005, 10:25 AM

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What's up, yo?

I thought I'd post a link that everyone here might enjoy.  I do a website for my buddy, Paul Schneider, who plays Jessie Baylor in the upcoming movie Elizabethtown.  Jessie's the drummer and lead singer for the band (played by MMJ) in the movie.  Cameron sent Paul on the road with MMJ for a few days so they could all get to know each other.  Here's the article/story/pictures Paul wrote about his time with MMJ:  


entire photo gallery of the trip:  http://www.paulschneider.com/mmjacket.htm

Hope everybody goes and sees the movie!



nice, those pictures are REALLY cool (see: carl shaving). also, i really enjoyed paul's writeup about touring with the band.  good read.  think i saw that somewhere before.

also, found this on IMDB.

the band is a bunch of movie stars.




oh yea, i really like these quotes:

"Jim James' voice is a jet airplane that screams you to heaven while simultaneously tucking you into a warm bed."

"M. Ward was presented with an airbrushed t-shirt as this is was his penultimate night on tour. With a heartfelt look in his eye James presented him with the gift. Ward, eternally unfazed, held it up to his chest and looked down upon it: "M. Ward and His Pussy Police. You Have the Right to Remain Wet!", more evidence of the classy heart that beats inside Rock and Roll."

" The joyful experience of a Jacket show does not come in the separateness between band and audience but in their sameness. Seeing Radiohead is a grand time but the enjoyment lies in that bands' exotic mystique. The fun is waiting in the dark at the Garden to find out if these mythologized Brits actually exist. MMJ is a different story. It begins feeling like a just-one-of-the-guys-type-affairs, set off by Patrick's friendly wave every time they step on stage. But at some point everything changes. That time may come in Strangulation; sometimes it's Magheeta, often Phone Went West. There is a moment when the practicality of a rock show is broken and what's left is simply... thought, theory, The Mind - and Jim's voice. That brain lift-off is made all the more surprising by the fact that these were normal guys a moment ago. But check the film cause towards the end of Run Thru they're anything but."


As long as you keep a straight face...


This is the same guy in 'All the Real Girls,' right? That's a heck of a movie. Also in 'George Washington' which is pretty good. One of my college friends works on that director's production team as sound editor or something. Still haven't seen 'Undertow' but in on my Netflix list. Anyway, that's a ton of writing on MMJ. I'll have to print it out and read it later.