Salute to Jim's weird ass noises

Started by chunt983, Sep 16, 2005, 07:12 AM

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I love the way Jim doesn't need words to showcase his vocals, instead he hums a melody, or even howls in some recent stuff. Not many lead singers can pull this off. Certain songs come to mind: the opening of 'lowdown', the opening of 'the way that he sings', 'heartbreakin man', even in 'I will sing you songs' during the opening instrumental. Even on the new album, the ending to 'wordless chorus' is like a huge vocal solo w/ out any real words! I've never heard a vocal solo like that. It's amazing. Just solid howling, and it's amazing how Jim uses his voice more like an instrument, experimenting with new sounds and new ways to use his voice, I think that's really awesome. In Don Dante, towards the end, he starts revving it up before all the shit hits the fan.

I don't know where I'm going with this thread, but I hope some of it at least made sense and maybe sparks some sort of conversation. I just think it's extremely original the way he writes his vocals into the songs, and it really adds so much to the songs.

peanut butter puddin surprise

ah, therein lies the rub on "howling".  I can really get something out of his vocals, be they low, melodic crooning or rafter shaking wailing.  

Some other singers just scream for the sake of screaming, supposedly to add "emotion" or "intensity" to their usually boring palates.  I won't name names, but I couldn't be more bored hearing someone scream into a microphone, or hear people describe their "unhinged shrieks".  Jesus, get some talent.  If you don't have the right stuff, don't try to hide it with screaming...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


exactly. Jim knows when and where to slip in a scream/howl like no other, and he never over does it. I wasn't sure what I thought of wordless chorus at first, but after many listens, it's a great song and we need more vocal experimentation like this in the future.

peanut butter puddin surprise

and it's that sense of timing that's far more artistic and honest than most.  just my two cents.

don't get me started about Corin Tucker from Sleater-Kinney.. >:(
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


the howls and the moans and the screams all make jim's singing his own. it gives his singing and the overall band a special sound unlike any other. i love them.


This is one of my favourite things about this band.  Harmony with intent.


you left out two very important vocal bits in your list.

The screaming in Strangulation! at the end of the heavy bit,

and the beautiful end of the album on "One in the Same". The way it come up to that one last harmony before the resolution and just leaves you hanging on. Beautiful.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


i thought this was going to be about the nasty turkey sandwich farts during the early tours.


Its Jim's voice that makes MMJ unique.

The use of his voice beyond the norm to form another instrument for the band cannot be done without having perfect pitch.

The best scat singers in jazz all have tremendous range and perfect pitch, it is not an easy thing to pull off.

But then Jim does have the best voice in rock.


Mind you, I don't think Jim has ever used his voice to better effect than in the climax to The Bear.

He sounds out of this world.