The Way That He Sings

Started by whitepepper, Sep 24, 2005, 05:36 AM

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i think it's about all the music jim loves. it's about the way a song moves you or makes you feel rather than a certain look or feel to the band, or on a larger scale, the music industry and its obsession with the way things look. longest sentence ever.  [smiley=beehive.gif]


Quotelongest sentence ever.  [smiley=beehive.gif]
Perhaps so, however, probably highly accurate.   [smiley=beatnik.gif]


Perhaps so, however, probably highly accurate. Ê [smiley=beatnik.gif]

thank you, thank you very much!  [smiley=elvis.gif]


Perhaps so, dear buddy whom we occasionally refer to as 'whothrewthecake', though your real name would probably be something else, considering that whothrewthecake is also a line from the song 'How do you know?' of the band that most, if not all, of us on this forum that we tend to visit wich is a part of this website, like, or even love, called My Morning Jacket, wich could be a clue that it is not your real name, for it would be a rather strange coincidence that someone with a certain name, that he or she has had since the day of his birth, for that is usually the day people achieve their names, would later on in his life become a fan, or an admirer, or just a casual but appreciative, if that's a word, listener of a band that has a song in their catalogue wich has a line wich is exactly the same as the name of that person, especially considering that that line does not refer to a name, for the words that comprise the name of this person are not used as any sort of name in the line of the song, but it looks as if you have been a little too hasty concluding that your sentence, wich is, if I'm correct 'it's about the way a song moves you or makes you feel rather than a certain look or feel to the band, or on a larger scale, the music industry and its obsession with the way things look' is the longest sentence ever, for as I have hopefully stated here with some clarity, wich was at least my purpose when I started writing this reply on your post, that it is, if not easy, then at least not all that hard, to write a sentence that is considerably longer than yours, though perhaps of less value and containg less elements that actually mean anything or that anyone would care to read, but nevertheless longer, and since I am but a casual amateur writer, whose mother tongue is also not English, but, on the contrary, Dutch, one would think that other, more advanced writers with a better knowledge of the English language, have written even longer sentences, though at the moment I must admit, for I have always been known to tell the truth, the truth, and yes, nothing but the truth, the groundstone of democracy, might I say, aside from freedom, ofcourse, and what not, that I do not have any proof or examples of that, but a common sense of logic and probability would cause us to think such, doesn't it?
I'm ready when you are


Yes, O.  That would be true, I would think, too.

Well.  I guess whothrewthecake will have to hand over the belt.

(The beehive lady is still all yours. ;))


i give in to you, O. you are the master of sentences.  [smiley=guitar.gif]

i also feel like this smiley thing could get out of control.  [smiley=beehive.gif] [smiley=beehive.gif] [smiley=beehive.gif]

Sleazy Rider

O is the one that is real!!!
O is the one that is real!!!
O is the one that is real!!!
Killer sentencing on your part buddy, your sentence had me on the edge of my seat for at least 1.5 min. Waiting for that fucking period.  I couldn't hold back my laughter which started as silent but grew slowly to a climax of feel good gafawing. Hats and toupe's off to you my friend.    :D ;) ::)  No Control.
Politics. It's a drag. They put one foot in the grave, and the other on The Flag.