Courier Journal article

Started by antoniostrohs, Aug 06, 2005, 11:39 AM

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This article was in todays Louisville newspaper.

Morning will break
Local heroes My Morning Jacket will release "Z," their fourth full-length release, on Oct. 4. They have announced a track list, and a full set of tour dates will follow. According to a press release, "The band is saying that the new album represents a new direction for the band, based on years of constant touring and the addition of new members."

Drummer Patrick Hallahan said the following in Billboard about the influence of new members Carl Broemel on guitar and Bo Koster on keyboards: "Carl and Bo are such amazing musicians. We as a band had to step up our musicianship when they joined. They challenged us. It was a huge learning experience. If anything, they contributed a lot of knowledge. They brought so much to the table."

Various former members of MMJ and their feelings were apparently not considered when the above statement was made. As far as we are aware, the various former members of MMJ have not issued any corresponding press releases regarding how happy they are to no longer be associated with the band or how their lack of involvement with the band has led to new opportunities.
Written by Paul Curry

I wonder what the writer is insinuating with that last paragraph? I think he's trying to take Patrick's words out context to start a little controversy between former members.


paul curry sounds like an asshat


I dunno,after reading it,I kinda thought the same thing,but I am sure Patrick was just fluffing the new guys,as well he should. ;)
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


ha! is the courier journal now competing with the national enquirer? mr curry needs to be spanked. or... maybe he was just trying to be funny? oh well, it didn't make me laugh so let's spank him anyway for being unfunny.


Is that guy a little bitter.  Let's take copliments on new band members and turn them into something hateful about old ones.  That's just poor journalism and a poor agenda.  If Danny Cash and Johnny Quaid had just joined the band and Jim had something like "It's so nice have close friends that we have known for years that play the music in this unique way as if they are reading my mind", would he have taken that as slander on Carl and Bo?  The four people are completley different and I just wish people would stop trying to make an issue out of it.  I think Carl, Bo, Danny,  Johnny, Patrick, Tommy and Jim are probably the ones that are most comfortable with how things are now.  Leave it to other motherfuckers to make an issue out of it.  Bands evolve (not for better or worse, sometimes just different)! I appreciate everything that Johnny and Danny brought to the table, I also appreciate what Bo and Carl have contributed.  Many people may have a prefference on thier favorite lineup, but why make it a negative thing?  Which is what this particular journalist has done by attempting to put words in peoples mouths.  I say, if you want to say something nice about Danny or Johnny just go ahead, no reason to be bitter.  Sorry for the long rant but that last paragraph just struck a nerve.    
There's Still Time.........


I think you said that really well, Brian.  It's like when someone gets a haircut, and you like it, and you say "Hey, your hair looks really awesome." and they go, "What, did it look like shit before?"  

The other thing that might suck from that is that if it's a Louisville paper, people might know everybody personally, and so Danny and Johnny might get reactions from people all over again, when it was their choice (as far as I remember having read) to leave.

As IF Patrick would EVER say anything to hurt anybody's feelings, especially his friends' feelings in the fucking newspaper.  Ah well.  People are gonna be dumb.  


People are gonna be dumb.  

yeah, 'people' are gonna be dumb, but journalists should have some integrity.  I think that a lot of people in Louisville are still upsset with the change of lineup, but put it in the opinion section if that's your agenda!  Way to go C-J!
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Omigosh, it's gonna be Oasis all over again!! ;)


That was a stab that wasn't necessary. He is an ass hat in many ways. I hope Patrick doesn't take this to heart as he was just trying to say something positive (and true) about the new players. Hell, I love Johnny and Danny. And, i miss them. But, when  signed band starts looking for new players, they have the luxury of getting great musicians. So, it was inevitable that they did. It's bound to effect the music... Nuff said.
Curry's got issues.



The first time I met Paul Curry, he was wearing a trucker hat that said something like:

"Christianity is Stupid. Get a life"

It sounds somewhat takes a special kind of "A-hole" to wear that.  And, obviously, he's begging for attention. Maybe, at the heart of that comment, he was just doing the same thing again...

It was an unnessary comment by a guy who's just pissed that he doesn't have Jeffrey Lee Pucket's job.

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteIt was an unnessary comment by a guy who's just pissed that he doesn't have Jeffrey Lee Pucket's job


I wish I could call the guy up and say "Dude, WTF?"  Totally unecessary, IMHO.  Why rehash old news if you don't have anything to say?

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteIs that guy a little bitter.  Let's take copliments on new band members and turn them into something hateful about old ones.  That's just poor journalism and a poor agenda.  If Danny Cash and Johnny Quaid had just joined the band and Jim had something like "It's so nice have close friends that we have known for years that play the music in this unique way as if they are reading my mind", would he have taken that as slander on Carl and Bo?  The four people are completley different and I just wish people would stop trying to make an issue out of it.  I think Carl, Bo, Danny,  Johnny, Patrick, Tommy and Jim are probably the ones that are most comfortable with how things are now.  Leave it to other motherfuckers to make an issue out of it.  Bands evolve (not for better or worse, sometimes just different)! I appreciate everything that Johnny and Danny brought to the table, I also appreciate what Bo and Carl have contributed.  Many people may have a prefference on thier favorite lineup, but why make it a negative thing?  Which is what this particular journalist has done by attempting to put words in peoples mouths.  I say, if you want to say something nice about Danny or Johnny just go ahead, no reason to be bitter.  Sorry for the long rant but that last paragraph just struck a nerve.    

What about kc guetig or j glenn huh? i miss those pimps!