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Z on Route!

Started by LaurieBlue, Sep 30, 2005, 07:23 PM

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Thank you for ordering from Musictoday. .... Your order has been shipped by MAIL.

The following items have been shipped
Qty Ord    Qty Ship   Qty BO     Qty Canc   Ext Price  Sku/Item Description
1          1          0          0          $11.99     7MCD01/PREORDER My Morning Jacket "Z" CD
1          1          0          0          $.00       7MDD01MP128/MMJ - "How Could I Know" DDL MP3 128kbps

Order Total:  $15.73

Please allow 7-12 business days for your order to arrive.

Thank you,

Customer Service


I got that message, too.  Only mine said a different, ah, ha, higher price, 2-4 weeks delivery plus taxes and duties that I'll have to pay to pick it up.


Whatevs.  It's still exciting. :)


QuoteI got that message, too.  Only mine said a different, ah, ha, higher price, 2-4 weeks delivery plus taxes and duties that I'll have to pay to pick it up.


Whatevs.  It's still exciting. :)

Mine too. But I usually get things in less time than that from the US  :D


mine hasnt even ben shipped yet. which means it goes out monday. which means i dont get it til at least friday or monday. which means that i'm going to be buying a second copy from Grimey's on Tuesday, and rocking the heck out in my car.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


i got my message, shipped out on friday.  im preparing for the monday night deck campout.   [smiley=beatnik.gif]


Mine is totttalllly shipped. :D


Mine was shipped friday...I paid for standard shipping.I am gonna buy it at the local store as well so I can get it tuesday.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


haha, it did ship, they just sent the email to my old email address.

so it'll probbaly still be here friday or monday. which kinda blows. so i'll go buy it at grimey's too. woot.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Mine shipped as well! And I will also go buy it if it doesn't get here by Tuesday.....arrggghhhhh  [smiley=pirate.gif]Can't wait mateys!!
But seein you feels good, and its always understood.
That anything much sweeter would make me die.