Let's examine the definition of "Best Dressed"

Started by sweatboard, Aug 12, 2005, 08:54 AM

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This whole "Best Dressed" thing is really blowing my mind for some reason.  I mean Jim rotates about three T-Shirts, he doesn't even wear shoes, and his accessories include a parrot.  I just want some reasoning as to why they are so  well dressed and someone like say P Diddy gets the shaft.  Let's use this opportunity to try and prove why or why not the band is so "Well Dressed" by posting pictures and trying to explain them.  Ok I'll start with a nice little outfit of Patricks............

Here Pete sports a vintage "Lil' Bow Wow" T-Shirt notice how the orange in the lettering really brings out Patricks eyes.  A genius choice if I do say.

Next up we have Bo in a nice Freddy Kruger syle polo shirt and some Hot Ass Lee Jeans.

An all time favorite of mine has to be this Vest Number Jim is wearing over his classic $8.00 bird and palm tree shirt.  The clashing of these two items is exilarating.

Here is a better look at that fine vest.....

There's Still Time.........


Haha, I bet they'll laugh their asses off when they get that news. Best Dressed...

They'll have to keep it up if they don't want fall off the list next year.
But the these pictures certainly prove they are on the right path.


All right, all right I'll ask her. Miss, miss! Do you know where the high school girls hang out around here? What? What? That's right, I'm the asshole! I'm the asshole!


Whoa!!!  Those are excellent examples.  Actually I really love Bo's shirt in that second shot, but who threw up on Jim's shirt in that last picture?
There's Still Time.........


Do I need to say again that I love that vest?  And I even love it with that t-shirt?


What the hell is up with that last picture  :o
Did he lose a bet or something?
It's not just a t-shirt, it's bigger than that. Certainly one piece of extremely distasteful clothing!

Hope the guys and gals at Esquire never get to see this  ;)


i enjoyed this very thorough examination. i believe my favorite quote is "the clashing of these two items is exhilirating." nice job, sweatboard.


I believe it's called a Muumuuuuuuu.

They were very popular in the 60s.  My Mom had a green one with lots of beads on it.



Ah, the sixties!
He should wear one to DJ!


QuoteAh, the sixties!
He should wear one to DJ!

That would be hot.  You should wear one, too.  We should try to get everyone in London to wear one to the show.  Wouldn't that be weird to look out into a sea of people all kicking their heads around and wearing muumuus?

I do not mind if anybody wants to steal that idea for a music video.


I don't have a muumuu (best word evah!)  :'(
Maybe you can ask your mom if I could lend hers  ;)


QuoteI don't have a muumuu (best word evah!)  :'(
Maybe you can ask your mom if I could lend hers  ;)
I'll ask her.  But she's pretty territorial about it.  I tried it on once for a Hallowe'en costume, and she was not happy about that at all.

Honestly, they're easy to make.  Just get a sheet, fold it in half, cut out a hole for your head, and then kind of sew up the sides.  And a bit more stuff.  You could sew some beads on it.  Or use safety pins if you don't like sewing.

It's easy as snap.  :)


QuoteI believe it's called a Muumuuuuuuu.
yeah and he is the most famous person who wore a muumuu:


If I wore one of those in London I'd certainly get myself arrested. I'll try to blend in with the locals a little more.

Oh yeah, the Simpsons episode is classic. Thanks for that!


I'll ask her.  But she's pretty territorial about it.  I tried it on once for a Hallowe'en costume, and she was not happy about that at all.

Honestly, they're easy to make.  Just get a sheet, fold it in half, cut out a hole for your head, and then kind of sew up the sides.  And a bit more stuff.  You could sew some beads on it.  Or use safety pins if you don't like sewing.

It's easy as snap.  :)

Or, If you want to make one like Jim's just get a sheet, fold it in half and then puke on it  ;D
There's Still Time.........


Ok, I'll stop now since they aren't here to defend themselves, I feel kind of bad.  Ok, One more..............

My All Time Favorite.

There's Still Time.........


Ladies and gentlemen, you can simply not disagree:  the way these men dress is simply rock and roll.
I'm ready when you are