What a crap review.

Started by loper, Oct 16, 2005, 03:27 AM

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I wish Journalists who know sod all about a band didn't assume that their readers know as little as they do.

This article is full of lazy misinformed assumptions.



i try not to dissect a reviewer's fondness or lack thereof for mmj, but i have one problem with this article.  how did the BENDS revitalise radiohead's career when it was their second album?  thats a pretty stupid statement, methinks.


This is kinda weak...

"No one, whether record label bigwig or band member, will ever contemplate deserting MMJ again."

I didn't think Danny and Johnny deserted MMJ... ???


It is kinda lazy. It's hurtful to say Danny and Johnny deserted the band. And I haven't heard anybody say thay aren't 'convinced' by It Still Moves. What's that all about  ???
It was a generally positive review though  :)


i dont know what the hell you are all getting so worked up about. How can a review that gives the band a maximum 5 stars out of 5 be crap? come on it can only be a positive thing for the band. Ok the reviewer  may not have the greatest in deph knowledge of mmj but not many outside the states do. as for hurting the feelings of former band members do you think a journalist is really going to care?  unfortunately most observer readers will know sod all about the band and as little if not less than this journalist does. If this review makes readers consider buying the album which im sure it will with its 5 out of 5 rating, that can only be a good thing and hopefully help spread the word of the jacket ;)

Devil's Advocate

You're right people in the U.K. don't know much about mmj, maybe if they actually came here more than once every three years, or played shows they actually booked then we'd know more.
 Heaven forbid somebody dare to critiscise or have an opinion that doesn't cast mmj as saviours of rock ( or on evidence of 'Z' 80's inflected Flaming Lips tributes)
There now you can lambast me too! Have at me boys 'n'girls, do your worst.


QuoteYou're right people in the U.K. don't know much about mmj, maybe if they actually came here more than once every three years, or played shows they actually booked then we'd know more.
Heaven forbid somebody dare to critiscise or have an opinion that doesn't cast mmj as saviours of rock ( or on evidence of 'Z' 80's inflected Flaming Lips tributes)

There now you can lambast me too! Have at me boys 'n'girls, do your worst.

Why would we want to do that?   ???  I feel sorry for you who don't get to see the band more often.  My other favorite band plays the UK way more often than here, esp. in the South, and it's just awful.  I feel your pain.
