MMJ receive highest METACRITIC Score

Started by wordlesschorus, Nov 26, 2005, 02:17 PM

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Hi guys, there's this website called that actually takes all of the leading magazines reviews of an album,movie,book or tv show and assigns scores to it based on how favorable the review is.  The system isnt exactly unflawed but is usually pretty accurate in their assessment of reviews..Anyways, of all the albums that came out in 2005 "Z" scored the highest with a metascore of 89 (out of a possible 100) Check it out at and if you search by highest scores it'll be right there at the top..I usually don't take too much creedence in what reviews say because i believe its what you like about hte music but its just nice that MMJ is getting their dues.  They scored higher than the likes of Coldplay, Fiona Apple (A Metacritic fave) and other well known artists and bands.

Go to Music-->Best of 2005 and there it is

Coincidentally, just checked it out again Sufjan Stevens actually is one point higher at a 90...but an 89 is still damn good considered the competition.

Easy Morning Rebel

Wow, that's amazing! And Andrew Bird is at place 10. That's cool.. :)

Even cowgirls get the blues