MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are here

Started by EC, Aug 25, 2005, 06:15 PM

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Hi Mr. Tony!!  So nice to see you!!  :)


You're in EGYPT, greggy?  That's pretty awesome!  :)

I was then, back home now. Pity.

the future is Ginger


Looks amazing!!

I think you should sell a limited number but I guess there's a lot of red tape with that...

Does anyone have the link for the 1st tribute album??


Damn that was fast...thanx Olwiggum...but wait that link seems dead...



QuoteI think you should sell a limited number but I guess there's a lot of red tape with that...

Red tape, and really not about the spirit of the thing, I think.  Just one of those things that you do because it's fun, and you're excited to share it.  :)



QuoteThat link seems dead...
Yeah, the link has a weird space on it after the l in html - try this one



I got my copy of the new album today and just listened to it twice through. Another fantastic achievement. Well done all of you.

Megan's voice is now so familiar to me now it was like listening to an old friend (which I suppose I was  :)). I loved the duets with Tom and Corey. Tom's voice was a surprise. More mature than I expected I think. His 'self doubt' track was great fun. Did you record that at Bonnaroo? O's Mahgeetah was fascinating. It took two listens but I like it a lot. Really creative.

Tony track was great. What skill. It sounded fab as an instrumental but remember we all know you can sing  ;)

Clay's 'I will be there when you die' was so moving. I loved it.

Just like with the first album, it made me revisit the originals, especially one's I've listened to less than others like Old September Blues and By My Car.

Once again - Well done all of you  8)


ha that´s wonderful!!!  :)
just downloaded the first tribute album and now i´m listening to it. great stuff!!
downloadin the second tribute...


Quoteit was like listening to an old friend (which I suppose I was)
:)  That's so lovely.  

The Boar

Wait, so this available even for those that didn't contribute a song and have no musical ability whatsoever but still enjoy listening to fans' renditions of MMJ tunes? Awesome! I guess I'm really slow.


QuoteWait, so this available even for those that didn't contribute a song and have no musical ability whatsoever but still enjoy listening to fans' renditions of MMJ tunes? Awesome! I guess I'm really slow.

eeeet iiiizzz foooohhh everyone. :)  especially you. :)

The Boar


eeeet iiiizzz foooohhh everyone.

Har har.  ;)

Quote especially you. :)

Ah, thanksh!  ::)

The Boar

So I had to take a break from the Wordless Chorus and Off the Record, so I decided to check out the tribute records I and II and damnation.... you people are amazing. Every song has such a sense of spirit and commitment to the originals, yet are creative and heartfelt at the same time. Incredibly impressive. Cheers to all of you. We all should be so creative...


EVERY human has some sort of raw beauty in them.  Raw is not negative at all.  We all have creativity, EVERYONE has something to offer.  It is just in different ways sometimes.




sounds great!

what about volume 1? would love to hear that too, is there a way to hear it?