Question about MMJ and advertising ...

Started by ChiefCrowe, Oct 17, 2005, 01:20 PM

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according to this article they rejected money to use a song in a commercial but i have actually seen one where a jacket song is in it. what is the deal?,,14932-1820824,00.html

peanut butter puddin surprise

Quote"I felt unbelievable power, as mighty as Thor!"

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


i think it meant that they refused to accept money from those who wanted to use the song in a commercial (so they just let them use it for free)


I know they allowed Mahgeeta to be used in a Coors Aspen Edge commercial. I think they felt pretty dirty about it and gave the money to charity. I wouldn't expect to see em on any other commercials.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


why would someone feel dirty about using their music to benefit a charity that is close to them?  


oh no. that's why they gave it to charity. the dirtiness of it. Plus, it was Aspen Edge. I mean, cmon. Coors Light...maybe. Not Aspen Edge.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


The same reason I'd feel guilty for bending over and useing my asshole to benefit my favorite charity.  
There's Still Time.........


QuoteThe same reason I'd feel guilty for bending over and useing my asshole to benefit my favorite charity.  



Ok, I'd probably do it for crack but definatly not for Charity.
There's Still Time.........


QuoteOk, I'd probably do it for crack but definatly not for Charity.

i'd do most anything for crack.



so you were in the meeting when these guys decided to "sell out" so they could get whiskey, women, and a lamborghini and ALSO there when they started to feel dirty and decided to give the money to charity?

guess there is no way they decided when approached by the coors team "hey, here is a chance to help out a charity we hold near and dear"?  naaah, that couldnt be it.


I have no idea how this whole thing went down.  My only point is that someone could feel dirty about using thier music to sell beer (or any other consumer product), even if it benefits a good charity in the long run.  Others might feel perfectly ok with using thier music to sell stuff on TV.  It's the band's choice it's thier music, it's really not that big of deal to me, because the commercial only aired a few times, we could probably count on our hands and toes the number of people that even know what we are talking about.  Now, if it had been more like one of those I-Pod commercials that seem to air for eternity I might feel differently.      
There's Still Time.........


okay, let's figure out an order of events here.

*The band lets Coors use Mahgeeta for a commercial.
*Realizes it's for Coors Aspen Edge, and didn't really love the idea in the first place - feels dirty about it.
*They decide "screw it. we're not taking any money for this" because they felt bad about it and then "why don't we give it to charity?" because it's money they didn't need, and otherwise wouldn't have if they hadn't used the song in a commercial.

They didn't feel bad about giving money to charity because of a commercial. They felt bad about the commercial, so decided to give all the money from it to charity. It's really not as confusing as this whole thread turned out to be.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


That makes sense.

Jim always gets described as such a friendly ray of sunshine.  Good job, I say.  


wait.  im confused.  didnt the band want a lamborghini?

but seriously.  im pretty sure those guys are a lot smarter than that.  but you are entitled to your opinion.


I'm pretty sure that's pretty close to how it went down. I was there when Tom heard the story straight from the horses mouth.


damn.  i woulda gone for the lamborghini.