Jim James in Bloomington Last Night (sort of)

Started by btborkeel, Aug 03, 2007, 12:58 PM

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i just pmed you. rest assured, we'll get it out there one way or another.

Ive got an EVIL plan babe

Thanks Hazeyjane, I apologize for not letting you know that I was trying to share it.  What was the other cover that you recorded?
Just cause it starts off slow babe, doesn't mean I  don't have evil urges.



To everyone who has posted so far, I pm'ed you.

Everyone else, if you'd like to see this video we have been discussing, please go to this URL:


Google is hosting but I didn't want to make it a public file. It is unlisted. You will not find the video if you search Google videos. You have to copy and paste the above URL in order to find it. Also, Google compressed the already compressed file. The orginial looks better. If you are interested in a copy of the actual DVD, let me know.

Let me know what you all think!

I'll post this link in other areas of the forum as well.



HAZEYJANE thank you so much!!! What a wonderful video. I love how slow "way that he sings" is and how forceful "hopefully" is.  Oh, that version of "Just because I do" blew me away.  Very impressed. Kudos to you and thanks again!



QuoteWell, it's not a true audio recording, it's a video. I didn't bring the cables needed to plug into the audio board (really, I was too meek to ask). So, the audio is just from the camcorder so it's not the best quality, especially when you consider how much reverb Jim uses and the small size of the room. But the audio is good enough. The show was held at an art space above a Blimpies in Bloomington, Indiana called "Space 101 which is no longer an art space." 101 was having a BBQ (sans BBQ so I don't know why they called it that) and about four different acts played for about 30 people. My friend and I both worked at the local TV access station as Production Assistants at the time. I just took some equipment to the show and taped Jim's performance. I guess there's no real "story" about how the shoot came to be. But even though the audio isn't four stars, it's still a nice video because it's a great look into what it used to be like to go to an MMJ show or Jim solo performance. They are still my favorite modern band of all time, I love them with all my heart still but I do miss the days when not so many people knew about them so that they could still hang out before and after the shows. But that's just me being selfish :) The main reason I made this video was so that the access station would play it and more people could discover them. I shot myself in the foot ;)

             I may have met you at the 1/23/02 Bloomington solo show.   I spoke with two gals prior to the show and I taped this one.   Someone there (a woman) told me that she'd taped him/them previously, anyway.   I hear you about yearning for the old days, but it was inevitable.   The cream rises to the top, as they say.  Any of you who have this care to share it with me through the postal service?   I still say that the Jan. 23, 2002 solo Jim show in Bloomington was an out-of-body experience.  I think I'll go to my grave believing that it was in the top five shows that I ever witnessed!    

Low Dog


Yes, George, that was me. I remember you too. You had driven from Texas for that show, right? To visit your aunt in Michigan or something like that. That show was at Bears Place. Great show. You saw me hand Jim a copy of the video I made and then you came over to talk to me and my friend. I have no idea of the month or date of that show but if you say it was 1/23/02, I'll believe you :)


QuoteYes, George, that was me. I remember you too. You had driven from Texas for that show, right? To visit your aunt in Michigan or something like that. That show was at Bears Place. Great show. You saw me hand Jim a copy of the video I made and then you came over to talk to me and my friend. I have no idea of the month or date of that show but if you say it was 1/23/02, I'll believe you :)

    You have an amazing memory!   Yes, I drove up from Texas.    At that point, I had been totally blown away by MMJ's live show (10/25/01) and then by TTF and AD.   I decided that I was going to follow them around and see them as much as I could.   I ended up catching them 20 times between Jan and Sept '02.  I had visited my aunt and my great aunt in Missouri on the way to Indiana.  That was the last time I saw my great aunt, she died at age 96 a year later.   Yes, Bears Place was very cool with the back room.  A guy named Drekka put it on and he played first (and he had a TENT set up onstage, the first and last time I've seen that in my life!)
As I've said before, this show is branded in my brain as nothing other than true greatness.  What we witnessed that night was jaw-dropping (as most of their other shows have been, I'm sure).    I gave Jim a CD-R of that 10/25/01 show I'd taped in Austin as he showed up, and told him that I couldn't believe that they weren't already playing to 15,000 fans a night.   He was gracious, he even put me on the list since I'd driven up from Texas (the cover was a mere $3 to see him that night, though).    I'll never forget that night, thanks for the memories Jim!!

Low Dog


Thanks so much for posting this! i just watched it recently and it is really nice to be able to see how he plays the songs and the vibe of the early years!!

:D 8-)