Copy Protection on Z, WTF

Started by rem5rem, Mar 23, 2008, 07:57 AM

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An Open Letter to MMJ,

I just wanted to share the experience I had with your CD, Z.  I had heard a lot about MMJ and was excited to hear you.  So I went out in December 2006
dropped 18 bucks on your latest CD (at the time???).  

Like most people, I do most of my listening on an iPOD.  So I proceeded to TRY and import your disk to itunes and ended up with two partially transferred songs that techically could not be played.

I always wondered what the problem was, and was recently enlightened that the source of the issue was a hokey copy protection scheme.

CONGRATULATIONS, you actually PREVENTED from listening to your music, in exchange for my $18.



I spend considerable amounts on music annually. (ask my wife)  In essence you/Newberry Comics/Sony split my 18 bucks through some complicated formula, and left me with a very shitty experience.

One that seriuosly tainted my first impression of you.  Remember,
"You never have a second chance, to make a first impression"

I was actually prevented me from listening to your music, that I PURCHASED.

For  $18, you are now guaranteed no future earnings from me, NICE INVESTMENT.  

Talk about selling your soul to the devil.

To quote my hero in this regard(Jeff Tweedy), "Treating your audience like thieves is absurd." He went on somewhere else to say that, as an artist, preventing people from hearing your music is fundamentally stupid.

Here are my Dr Seuss inspired thoughts on where I stand with your music....

"I will not buy your music for my house."
"I will not buy your music with a mouse."

"I will not buy your music for my car."
"Nor come to hear your music in some bar"

"I will not by your music online"
"nor anyplace, where I stand in line"

"I will not hear My Morning Jacket"
"For All I know it's just a racket"

I realize that Sony is likely resposible for this but regardless who is to blame, first impressions are everything.

I'll go on to note that the next time I have a disk in my hand, and I see the Sony logo,
i'll really think twice about handing my money to an entity that regards true music fans with suspicion.

The only way I will listen to MMJ from this point on will be by stealing it.  I tried to buy
and it didn't workout for me.

Earth to The Music Industry, the Genie Is Out Of The Bottle....



Hello KD,
the copy protection sucked but it wasn't the band or management's decision. They were told it wasn't gonna be a problem to import it into itunes so when it turned out it was, they were as angry about it as you are. The minute they found out they did everything they could to solve this. So there's no reason to take this out on the band because they feel the same way about it as you do.

take a minute to read this:


Have you seriously been stewing about this for a year and a half?  Build a bridge, dude; get over it.  

I'm not sure the band can be blamed for things the record label wants to do.  It's understandable why recrod labels want to protect their investments, espcially with all of the file-sharing that has gone on in the last six or eight years.

Here's a suggestion for the stuff on iTunes, because you won't have to worry about it syncing with your iPod.  


Welcome to the board REM5REM.  It's to bad your pointing your hostility at the Band and not the label.   Nifty Dr Seuss rhyme.   I spend $ 80.00 a week in gasoline, can you make up a rhyme about that.  You should consider taking your $ 600.00 rebate check from the government and buying everything JACKET,  you won't be disappointed.  Look at it more like a donation to the band for all their  hard work and filling our ears with peanut buttery  goodness.  
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


Dear dumbass,
The band was REALLY pissed that the label did this without their permission. My memory is they even offered to send out new burned copies of the disc. Good job registering on the board of one of the most fan-friendly bands out there just to bitch about an issue that has A) been resolved and B) is two and a half years old. Next time, find out what you're talking about first.
Oh, and Jeff Tweedy loves MMJ.
"Music is my savior
I was tamed by rock and roll
I was maimed by rock and roll
Got my name from rock and roll"


Mine, that I bought a few months after it came out, ripped into itunes just fine.
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


Jeez stew much...It's not like the band controls the actual pressing of their discs or what the record label does with them.

Hold your SHIFT KEY down when you insert your CD. I ripped mine into Itunes without any problem, and I did have one of the "protected" discs.


$18 for a cd?  Where do you live?  Botzwana?



I'm gonna invest in some idiot protection software :P
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!



I enjoyed all your posts...

but frankly I don't have time to fiddle fuck around holding this and pressing that... especially for something I bought...

regarding the "dumbass" and "idiot proof" software comments...

what exactly am I guilty of...  WTF did I do wrong...

keep in mind I am not glued to these guys every move, like you guys are... (which I can respect)

I tried.. and it didn't work out


if someone could hook me up with an unprotected disk... i will gladly retract my comments... and give em a listen... till then  i'm out of here....

This is a place to get it out of my system...  I did not stew for long... there is so much good music out there, you should not have to work so hard for the experience...

that is my point...



If I recall, there were several albums that came out around the same time that all had copyright protection.  David Gray, Trey Anastasio, etc.  However, they quit doing that do to legal issues.  You're doing yourself a great injustice by writing off the Jacket over some bullshit like this.


" what exactly am I guilty of...  WTF did I do wrong... "
You came on a band web site to bitch about something that is out of ours & the bands control, and the issue was resolved.   What do expect, It sounds like you want us to buy your affection with a CD.  GO POUND SAND.  

ADIOS   :-*
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


Welcome to the board!


first impressions are everything.

You're absolutely right.  Try a more friendly approach next time, it will get you a lot further.

(Listens to "Z" in iTunes)
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place



good music out there, you should not have to work so hard for the experience...

that is my point...


because its SO hard to just put in a CD player. this technology does STILL exist.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!

Jon T.


if someone could hook me up with an unprotected disk... i will gladly retract my comments... and give em a listen... till then  i'm out of here....



Are you saying...   That....  If no one hooks you up with an unprotected disk... then we won't run the chance... of actually meeting you at a show?...

I don't know why...  I put all the... in there.  I felt compelled...



Jon...That may favorite all time...


Why I would want to be a fan of a band whose fans are so downright mean.

I am checking out of this electronic circle jerk.  It has been fun.

Eric the Midget


man, that initial post was like one of those things where a post card gets delivered mysteriously 30 years after it was sent. And to think I spent a good month complaining about the copyright BS when Z came out in 1987, when I sould have waited until now to complain. Anyways, some gems posted in response, I must say:

I spend $ 80.00 a week in gasoline, can you make up a rhyme about that. (Tater)

$18 for a cd?  Where do you live?  Botzwana? (Nikko)

but frankly I don't have time to fiddle fuck around holding this and pressing that... especially for something I bought... (rem)

Are you saying...   That....  If no one hooks you up with an unprotected disk... then we won't run the chance... of actually meeting you at a show?... (Jon)




good music out there, you should not have to work so hard for the experience...

that is my point...


because its SO hard to just put in a CD player. this technology does STILL exist.

Oh, I thought those took the same road as Betamax...  
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place