EU kind of disappointing

Started by evanskickedhead, Apr 21, 2008, 11:20 PM

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just pretend it's a live album. :D
Gazziza My Dillsnufus


QuoteGone is the magic surrounding the earlier albums.  Gone is the reverb-drenched vocals and the slow-burn of songs about heartache.  Gone are the cryptic lyrics that enveloped Jim's vision and created such an amazing and mystical atmosphere.

I appreciate your thoughtful post and I share some of your sentiments.  We must consider, however, that Jim is probably in a much different frame of mind these days than when he wrote At Dawn and It Still Moves.  Change is inevitable; you just hope it's in a direction you'd like to follow.  I feel positive energy in this album, like he's trying to cast love and warmth into the ears of his listeners.  Sure, "Two Halves" sounds contrived, and "Look at You" may come close, although I the latter sounds much more genuine.  The latter actually reminds me of how I felt when the band played "A Quick One" at Bonnaroo '06 ... "You are forgiven, you are forgiven ... You're all forgiven!"  It's such a personal message, and no doubt a heartfelt one.  

Emotion-laden songs often sound contrived, but when they're done right, they have depth that radio music simply doesn't approach.  While I'd say Jim was the master of the 'slow-burn songs of heartache' through the earlier albums, he seems to be moving in a different direction, and that's probably a good thing for him.  Z maintained the dreamy, cryptic lyrics, but was clearly moving in a more experimental direction.  I thought Z was a spectacular album.  Dondante was unlike anything they'd done, but it is one of my favorite MMJ songs.  What I have loved about this band is that their music seems to radiate from the soul ... so much pure, unadulterated emotion.  At this point, I feel like a significant number of tracks on this album feel a little flat.  However, that does not at all mean I don't think they added a number of solid additions to the repertoire.  Maybe all it will take is another 20 listens.  

In my humble opinion, the songs "Evil Urges", "Highly Suspicious", and "Aluminum Park" are not terribly impressive.  They might be fun to hear live, but they feel kind of empty, like generic rock songs.  I'm sure many will disagree with me here, but remember mine is just one insignificant opinion.  All that really matters is your own.  I wouldn't have been a fan of "Off the Record" if it hadn't been for the cosmic, Floyd-like second half of the song.  And I thought "Wonderful Man" was mediocre when compared to the other amazing songs like "Gideon", "Dondante", and "Wordless Chorus" ... so my opinions of the aforementioned EU songs could be different purely because of my personal musical tastes.  

"Touch Me" Pt. 1 & 2 remind me of the parts of Z that I love ...absolutely fantastic stuff there.  "Thank You Too" and "Smokin' From Shootin'" are excellent songs as well, but won't quite break into the class of exceptionally beautiful songs that come to mind when someone asks for my all time MMJ favorites.  "Remnants" is interesting, like a strange combination of Mars Volta and Pearl Jam ... very different for MMJ, but I think this one will be incredible live.  "Librarian" is different in that its lyrics are more literal than any of his previous songs, but I absolutely love the vivid fairytale atmosphere.  And the strings!!! ... need I say more?!  This is the pinnacle of the new album.  If there were a new direction I would love to see the band pursue, it would be in the vein of "Where to Begin."  However, since it is out of my control, I will be content to watch, hoping that they err away from the generic rock sound that seeped into this album.  

Although the album as a whole is not my favorite, I still feel incredibly fortunate to be graced by the magic of MMJ once again.  No album as diverse as this one could please every fan start to finish.  It's simply going in too many directions.  Luckily, there's probably something for everyone.  

MMJ is still my #1 favorite band.  :)

Edited: A few more listens was enough to convince me that "I'm Amazed" was awesome and I just hadn't realized it.  :)


QuoteThey're getting more and more rich from my (and all of your) money already...

rich?  HA!  that is rich!


Rich? maybe not so much...but hey, I'm just saying that I'm still contributing to the band financially...because as i had said already, i'm buying the cd (and probably the vinyl) when it comes out.

To those of you think this is my first under the Steam Engine lyrical discussion.  perhaps you'll change your mind (a little) about my credibility for few posts.  besides, as someone else accurately pointed out, i have a full time job, just finished a graduate degree, and volunteer on weekends and basically have had little time for recreational things.  i'd like to confess that i only looked into this forum as of last summer.  frankly, after reading the posts and topics, i've never felt compelled to write based on the banter that seemed to go nowhere about silly things (at times).  it wasn't until i felt so strongly about the beauty of Steam Engine and other songs like By My Car...and the live Acoustic LP that i thought everyone should own.
i didn't know measuring the love someone has for an artist is accomplished by their number of posts that everyone but the band probably reads.
sorry i gave my premature opinion on an album that isn't officially released...but isn't that just a matter of production and subsequent marketing and music label requirements?  i mean, one point of waiting for a release date is to build anticipation for a new album...and you'd be a fool if you didn't think i'm going to be first in line on June 10th.
I was merely opening a discussion on this piece at this point in time compared to the others.  and i agree with many responses that it is good Jim's evolving...i just really fell in love with  his voice under reverb effects.  so shoot me.


QuoteRich? maybe not so much...but hey, I'm just saying that I'm still contributing to the band financially...because as i had said already, i'm buying the cd (and probably the vinyl) when it comes out.

To those of you think this is my first under the Steam Engine lyrical discussion.  perhaps you'll change your mind (a little) about my credibility for few posts.  besides, as someone else accurately pointed out, i have a full time job, just finished a graduate degree, and volunteer on weekends and basically have had little time for recreational things.  i'd like to confess that i only looked into this forum as of last summer.  frankly, after reading the posts and topics, i've never felt compelled to write based on the banter that seemed to go nowhere about silly things (at times).  it wasn't until i felt so strongly about the beauty of Steam Engine and other songs like By My Car...and the live Acoustic LP that i thought everyone should own.
i didn't know measuring the love someone has for an artist is accomplished by their number of posts that everyone but the band probably reads.
sorry i gave my premature opinion on an album that isn't officially released...but isn't that just a matter of production and subsequent marketing and music label requirements?  i mean, one point of waiting for a release date is to build anticipation for a new album...and you'd be a fool if you didn't think i'm going to be first in line on June 10th.
I was merely opening a discussion on this piece at this point in time compared to the others.  and i agree with many responses that it is good Jim's evolving...i just really fell in love with  his voice under reverb effects.  so shoot me.

Don't worry about folks around here E. There are plenty of people, like myself, that appreciate well thought out posts like yours, whether or not they're in favor of this or any MMJ release. This forum is a better place because of differing points of view, IMO. Don't take anything personally - some people have been running a little hot lately with all the commotion.

(Aside: I'm lovin' all the shit that's flying back and forth! It just makes the anticipation that much greater!)
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


Ef that.  This one is so complex.  It will keep you engaged forever.  Great influences and traipses along the edge are what it is made of.  I can't wait to buy the vinyl.

Think Jerry Garcia plays R&B with plenty of falsetto.  Love the new wave and glitch/minimalist vibes too.


QuoteEf that.  This one is so complex.  It will keep you engaged forever.  Great influences and traipses along the edge are what it is made of.  I can't wait to buy the vinyl.

Think Jerry Garcia plays R&B with plenty of falsetto.  Love the new wave and glitch/minimalist vibes too.


HOW CAN YOU DISLIKE THIS ALBUM?????   IT IS MMJ ON DRUGS!!!!!!  Rockin, spiritual, heartfelt, diverse, fun....come one people!  I love every MMJ album, and this one brings something new to the table.


Okay that picture of Celine and baby is just plain weird.  Could they actually get a baby to sleep like that at the tips of the mom's fingers? Really. Could they?  Plus, what exactly is the message there?  My top is so white, please don't crap on it?  I just don't get it.

Well done Tracy.
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


As long as you keep a straight face...


First off: I haven't heard the leak yet (and I probably won't), but I've loved the two official songs I've heard.  

I really just want to caution people against judging "art" (kind of pretentious, I know) quickly.  Just give it time to sink in and be processed.  And if I may extend the Radiohead analogies:  Kid A was anticipated in a way similar to EU, and who "got" that on first listen?


I have to say that I'm a bit disappointed in EU. I support Jim and the boys following the musical direction that they feel, but upon first listen last night, I was pretty bummed. Trust me - I LOVE the Jacket. Hopefully the new album will grow on me, but I have to admit that I'm already looking forward to their next release, hoping that it's a lot more organic and less "Prince-ish".

This is ironic because I had no problems as Wilco went from AM to A Ghost is Born.

Jon T.

QuoteI have to say that I'm a bit disappointed in EU. I support Jim and the boys following the musical direction that they feel, but upon first listen last night, I was pretty bummed. Trust me - I LOVE the Jacket. Hopefully the new album will grow on me, but I have to admit that I'm already looking forward to their next release, hoping that it's a lot more organic and less "Prince-ish".

This is ironic because I had no problems as Wilco went from AM to A Ghost is Born.

Out of fairness, could you give it more than one listen before you express your disappointment?


QuoteI have to say that I'm a bit disappointed in EU. I support Jim and the boys following the musical direction that they feel, but upon first listen last night, I was pretty bummed. Trust me - I LOVE the Jacket. Hopefully the new album will grow on me, but I have to admit that I'm already looking forward to their next release, hoping that it's a lot more organic and less "Prince-ish".

This is ironic because I had no problems as Wilco went from AM to A Ghost is Born.

Out of fairness, could you give it more than one listen before you express your disappointment?

I definitely plan to, though none of the other albums (I discovered MMJ during It Still Moves) required more than the initial listen for me to say, "Yeah!". And I'll buy it when it comes out because I love the band and ethically, it's the right thing to do since I dl'd it. In fact, I'm about to play it now at work :)


I think the music itself is disappointing, not necessarily their intentions.  It feels like MMJ is breaking the credo I love so much in "Wordless Chorus" - "we are the innovators/they are the imitators..."

...On EU, MMJ is doing a lot of mimicry.  "Highly Suspicious" is a clear reference to Prince or Rick James, "Two Halves" is straight out of 1964 Ronettes record, and "Remnants" sounds like a sub-par Pearl Jam cut from Vs.  I love and appreciate the band's willingness to try new things - they have my complete respect - but what I loved so much about MMJ is that they are so unique, even if you can see a direct line between their songs and the American tradition.  No band sounds like MMJ did on "At Dawn," "It Still Moves," or "Z."  I feel like that singularity is lost in EU because Jim James and company are trying too hard to distance themselves from their past sound, but the past sound is what made this group MMJ in the first place.

Does that make any sense?

Jon T.

QuoteI think the music itself is disappointing, not necessarily their intentions.  It feels like MMJ is breaking the credo I love so much in "Wordless Chorus" - "we are the innovators/they are the imitators..."

...On EU, MMJ is doing a lot of mimicry.  "Highly Suspicious" is a clear reference to Prince or Rick James, "Two Halves" is straight out of 1964 Ronettes record, and "Remnants" sounds like a sub-par Pearl Jam cut from Vs.  I love and appreciate the band's willingness to try new things - they have my complete respect - but what I loved so much about MMJ is that they are so unique, even if you can see a direct line between their songs and the American tradition.  No band sounds like MMJ did on "At Dawn," "It Still Moves," or "Z."  I feel like that singularity is lost in EU because Jim James and company are trying too hard to distance themselves from their past sound, but the past sound is what made this group MMJ in the first place.

Does that make any sense?

I don't think mimicry is the right word, but I definitely hear influences.  And, while I like every song on the album (a lot), the songs you mentioned are not the stand outs in my opinion.

Angry Ewok

Why is it like Prince? High pitch voice?
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

Jon T.

QuoteWhy is it like Prince? High pitch voice?

It's like Prince because everyone, for some reason, has to constantly compare music to others.  Someone else was complimenting the album but said "think Jerry Garcia does R&B".  There is R&B all over this thing but why not say "think MMJ does R&B."  


AM to A Ghost Is Born?

those 2 records were 9 years apart.  little different.