ATO Records Montage

Started by Cerenz, May 15, 2008, 12:47 AM

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If this has been posted already, I apologize.
Very cool collection of clips and comments (6:38 total) from the band on the new album. Excerpts from the album (Thank You Too, Smokin' from Shootin', Touch Me, Highly Suspicious---i may have missed some, sorry)

"Its a new era, the next strage of evolution for the band.... It's neat to see them feel that groove, or that thing we're getting off on, and they're getting it initially". "We're riding a bunch of the same waves we've always ridden, and some new waves, trying to be more rhythmic oriented, trying to be, some throw in some deeper grooves and stuff....and a little bit more fun"------cue Highly Suspicious at this point (4:38). "It's fun to build a house----but it's also fun to knock it down". SO CHILL OUT ABOUT HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS FOLKS----IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE FUN, AND IT IS!

Check around 1:10 of the clip-----I can't sum it any better than that facial expression. Seriously, it's uncanny that I made/will make that same face over and over again.

I heart these guys.


Gazziza My Dillsnufus