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Hook me up

Started by courtlandfoster, Jun 03, 2008, 05:01 PM

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There a few MMJ songs that I have read lyrics and tabs to that I haven't heard yet and I'm dying to. There are also a few songs that I have heard clips of, but can NOT find MP3 anywhere.

Can someone hook me up?

I Won't Cry
It Makes No Difference
Can You See The Hard Helmet On My Head?
The Dark
Dream A Lil' Dream O' Me
Lowdown (demo)
Hidden track on "MMJ Does Xmas Fiasco Style"

There are more...but if you can help me out with these...I'd very much appreciate it.  :D


Well you definately need to buy the Chocolate and Ice ep, That will cover half of your list.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Most of these tracks can be found on iTunes and or eMusic.

Maybe I'm way off here, but coming on a bands Official web site and asking people to send you their music for free seems pretty messed up to me.


nothing suprises me these days.

I'm a dinosaur


I'm a dinosaur

I was told that there is no such thing by Carl Evverett:

"God created the sun, the stars, the heavens and the earth, and then made Adam and Eve. The Bible never says anything about dinosaurs. You can't say there were dinosaurs when you never saw them. Somebody actually saw Adam and Eve. No one ever saw a Tyrannosaurus rex."

Ive got an EVIL plan babe

Found Chills here.  Haven't tried to download it though.

BH is right.  Get Chocolate and Ice.
Just cause it starts off slow babe, doesn't mean I  don't have evil urges.


I'm a dinosaur

I was told that there is no such thing by Carl Evverett:

"God created the sun, the stars, the heavens and the earth, and then made Adam and Eve. The Bible never says anything about dinosaurs. You can't say there were dinosaurs when you never saw them. Somebody actually saw Adam and Eve. No one ever saw a Tyrannosaurus rex."

dinosaurs hide when they die


all those tracks are still very purchasable in the physical format as well. Go buy the music! don't type in and ask for it for free.
On second thought, why don't you just smack sweet, sweet Snowy Bramble in his face.
Visit [url=""][/url] for Louisville music news.
Also, [url=""][/url]


I'm a dinosaur

I was told that there is no such thing by Carl Evverett:

"God created the sun, the stars, the heavens and the earth, and then made Adam and Eve. The Bible never says anything about dinosaurs. You can't say there were dinosaurs when you never saw them. Somebody actually saw Adam and Eve. No one ever saw a Tyrannosaurus rex."

dinosaurs hide when they die

I have seen this happen... does that mean they are real. It was more of a melting like the wicket witch of the west.
Visit [url=""][/url] for Louisville music news.
Also, [url=""][/url]


 :-X Calm down, people. It's MUSIC. It's not like I wouldn't have purchased this stuff after listening. I've got a MMJ collection going. I'm having a lot of trouble finding "Chocolate and Ice", and the "Early Recordings".

I didn't expect this to offend anyone. What are you guys? A bunch of record execs?

I support the band by purchasing anything I download and I haven't downloaded that much. Chill.

My apologies.

And thanks for the link to "Chills"...this may be my new fav. Very heartfelt and melodic.


dude, just buy them. you won't be disappointed.

they're all readily available. what are you waiting for?!?!??

i mean, "The Dark"????????
are you serious???  it's on the first fucking album!!!! mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!

Love Dogg

Quote"God created the sun, the stars, the heavens and the earth, and then made Adam and Eve. The Bible never says anything about dinosaurs. You can't say there were dinosaurs when you never saw them. Somebody actually saw Adam and Eve. No one ever saw a Tyrannosaurus rex."

Jeff Goldblum did.
"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."


Quotedude, just buy them. you won't be disappointed.

they're all readily available. what are you waiting for?!?!??

i mean, "The Dark"????????
are you serious???  it's on the first fucking album!!!!

And I have no idea why I put "The Dark".
I was really hoping for members to respond with live versions of these songs anyway.
I would love to hear "How Could I Know" live.


A simple "SORRY" from you would have been sufficient. You were way out of line to make a post like this here.

"Calm down, people. It's MUSIC."
Would you go on your cable companies forums and ask the users how to steal their cable?

"It's not like I wouldn't have purchased this stuff after listening."
Yeah after I download a CD, I burn it so I can listen to it in my car on the way to Best Buy where I will purchase that same CD. Doesn't everyone?

"I'm having a lot of trouble finding "Chocolate and Ice", and the "Early Recordings"."
You obviously have not looked anywhere except file sharing sites. Try ect.

"I didn't expect this to offend anyone. What are you guys? A bunch of record execs?"
No I'm Lars Fucking Ulrich. You want to steal music? Who cares? Just don't advertise it in the bands official forum, then act like we are the crazy ones. Have some self awareness.

Ive got an EVIL plan babe

How Do You Know.

You should be able to find a ton of awesome live songs you may not even be aware of over at in the live music section.

the Dark

holiday songs.  Also, check out Come Closer (from Split EP) if you haven't already.
Just cause it starts off slow babe, doesn't mean I  don't have evil urges.


Hey courtland, check out:

You should get a good 25 free songs when you sign up--and this is all before they charge you any money. They've got all of MMJ's albums except for the At Dawn/Tennessee Fire Demos. You'll be able to pick up everything on your list and then some right from there. All of the albums are so definitely worth buying, but I can understand being wary about Ch. 1 and Ch. 2--you'll be able to get a good feel for 'em from there, though.

Might I also recommend picking up "Josta Dreams and Bitter Hands" from Ch. 1?

As far as tabs and lyrics, just take a peak around here. A former member put together a really presentable tab site dedicated to the band at -- Take a peak around there--you ought to be able to find most of what you're looking for. And if not, bring it to the Tabs section of the board, where I'll promise you a tab for a song I "swear I worked out a good year or so ago" and then promptly realize I can't remember a damn thing of it! Really though, we work hard to keep on top of stuff guitar wise, and a good deal of us here, play.

As far as lyrics, we've got a section started by BH called "The OTHER Lyrics" for the stuff not posted in liner notes or on the website located here:

As far as the stuff not covered on your list-- the untitled track from the Christmas album is just an extended instrumental version of "Xmas Time is Here Again"--nothing you haven't already heard, but a nice little ending to the album, for sure. I'm not sure where you can find "It Makes No Difference" but there's a few different recordings of it from 2006 or so on the link posted above. The Lowdown demo is worth buying the Demos disc for. That one's pretty widely sold through different chains, and you should be able to pick it up no sweat on Amazon. The whole thing is worth owning, because you get all kinds of crazy shit, plus Lil' BILLY.

On a further note, after laying low after doing my own fair share of damage in the whole leak mess, coming back to this thread is a sharp reminder of the animosity I helped stir up. I want to apologize for that and encourage you guys to not freak out so much at this stuff. How many cd's have we burned for people that had stuff they hadn't bought on them? How many songs did we leave out, and then fill in for them when they asked for more? This dude could've just as easily kazaa'd this stuff, but he's coming here to the people who love the stuff to get some help filling in the blanks. He's been reading through tabs and lyrics--that looks like proof enough to me that he's actually interested in the stuff. And not everyone who doesn't buy albums is a dead-beat. I settled for a burned copy of Built To Spill's Perfect From Now On from our very own Tracy for a good year and a half before it finally hit me that I needed to own the damn thing fair and square. I was able to do so when I got some insurance money from my car being broken into and my entire CD collection stolen. CDs still aren't cheap, and most fans who download are doing so to either try new stuff out or have something to listen to until they can afford to throw down an extra $15 on a CD. That wasn't a luxury I had very often and still don't. We can't all splurge on it (except DragonBoy, but that man is a marvel unto the world of music listenership!).

That said, there's really no reason to get so up in arms about this stuff. It's music, and those of us jonesin' to listen to it without the cash to do so rely on good friends or kind acquaintances to help us out in the meantime.

And KC, free cable is wonderful. I discovered I get it, and have no intention of letting my cable company know about it. There's no incentive to actually buy cable if you're getting it for free accidentally. But getting the digital version of music doesn't quite stand up to owning it for yourself. There's incentive there. Probably a tangent of what you were arguing, but you do still have a point.

Anyways, welcome to the board Courtland--show the older (meaning more senior members) some respect and you'll get to be a big part of the place in no time.

Yes, I realize I'm a son of a bitch for the second half of this post, but maybe I gained some perspective in the wake of all that fighting a month ago? I dunno. I'm just not so pissed anymore.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.

Goat Boy

Why all these qualms about downloading?  As a music fan I have been royally fucked up the ass ever since I first purchased a CD all those years ago.  We ALL have.  I have spent thousands on my collection and still continue to purchase cd's and boxsets but not in the same volume that I used to understandably.  I mean, I like to have the whole package and certain albums I really do need to own properly however I don't need to buy everything I listen to.  Those days are gone.  This is a good thing.  Now I can enjoy so much more music (this has it's downside as well of course) but without having to blind purchase or even purchase at all.  Of course you can chime in and say well I am stealing money out of the bands mouths but the record companies have been doing that to artists since Day One.  They are the enemies.  They are the ones fucking people over.  The money grabbing capatalist fucktards who 9/10 have zero interest in the music but only care about squeezing as much profit out of of the whole enterprise as possible.  I will not be made to feel guilty over this.  The record industry are their own worst enemies.  Fuck them.  Besides bands don't make that much money selling records these days.  Well most don't anyway.  It's all about touring and merchandise now.  If you wanna support a band go see them play.  

And whilst it's to their old fashioned credit that the band wanted people to hear it when it was officially released like it used to be back in the day it's completely unrealistic these days.  Records are leaked.  Plot details of films are known before they even come out.  That's just the way it is in this digital age.  

And for the record I have purchased all MMJ albums and EP's and will continue to do so.  I will also probably purchase a t shirt when I see them in the Dam as well but it would be silly to expect every fan to behave like this in this day and age.  I mean to a 17year old kid 13quid must seem like a fortune for a silly CD.  They're right.  It's outrageous.  This sea change has occured.  Music is disposable for many people.  It's a file on a computer.  Live with it.


Thanks for those links, guys.

Eisenbraun took the words out of my mouth. I really didn't expect this to offend anyone. I purchase any MMJ CD I see. I live in Greenville, Kentucky...a very small town. I have to drive to Bowling Green or Owensboro to purchase MMJ material. I assure you that I do purchase anything I download from these guys. If it wasn't for downloading I never would have been able to discover them...and I can't imagine living without listening to MMJ anymore. They impact me that much. First time I heard "Hopefully" I felt it in my stomach and was at the point of tears :,-)

Very few artists can make me cry with their music; John Mayer and MMJ. That's about it. Two very different, but talented artists.
I highly recommend you checking out "Stop This Train" by John Mayer. Amazing stuff.


I was really hoping for members to respond with live versions of these songs anyway.

find a live version of War Begun from the 2004 tour at, if you really want your mind this one

be careful