Blend Music Review of EU

Started by cmccubbin25, Jun 12, 2008, 12:50 PM

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this review starts out like all the rest, but the journalist is i think attempting to parody the really bad reviews.  nevertheless, he nails it down at the end:

But this is not a traditional album; it does not merit a traditional review. This album is too complex for sentence-long summaries of each song. This album is too complex for anything resembling a summary review. With this album you do not plug and play, you do not just add water. You do not listen to this album from the stereo when you have friends over for dinner. You listen with headphones on, locked in the bathroom. You keep this one to yourself. You listen while closing your eyes in front of the mirror because this album shows you feelings you'd hoped to keep hidden.

The album floods the subject of love like rain in the desert: nowhere to hide, no need to. On Evil Urges, Jim James and the gang explode a mirror image of love into a thousand shards, but, instead of puzzling together the pieces, they decided to sketch a new portrait. They tackle love's highs with a nearly mainlining vocal playfulness. They delve into the depths of life sans love with delicate acoustics plucking the heartstrings. They lament, and they laugh. They shock, and they shudder. They trace love through musical twists and turns, some obvious, some still oblivious, all a part of the chase for what a love song sounds like. They finish with "Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pt.2," a resolve that once you find a love to hold onto you live with the echo ringing in your ears as you clench your eyes closed for fear it's not still lying there next to you.

My Morning Jacket has not recorded a radio-friendly album or a concert-friendly album. This is an album not for those who solely tap their toes or nod their heads; this is for those who hear the music even after it's stopped, for those who listen to records, not reviews

i love those 3 paragraphs!!!
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This review is brilliant!  The best part is...while I agree that this album is one to listen to while alone, You mean to tell me that these songs won't get a party started?   The songs on this album are for each one of us.  If you like Funk, country, metal, rock, whatever...there is a song on here that you can connect to.  So while you can obviously connect to this album by can connect with others as well.  

What I just said may not make sense to anyone else...but it does to me and so does "EVIL URGES"


I have to agree with the author. On a personal note I think the album is just f'n brilliant!
The fact that my heart's beating,
Is all the proof you need