I Stand Corrected

Started by ycartrob, Jun 18, 2008, 08:51 PM

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Earlier I stated that you needed to watch yourself at a MMJ show this tour during Highly Suspicious b/c it's gonna be all krunky, lots of grinding and slurpin' and what not, however, after listening to the new album for a week, I am highly suspicious of what will go down when they break out Touch Me I'm Going To Scream pt II; I sort of get the feeling that that's when the real strange stuff will go down, the lights low, a hand here, a "what was that" there, a yelp, a bark, muffled laughter, a stranger's sweat, where's my date? where's my pants?...seriously, it could go on forever.

the sort of stuff you might find yourself talking out in therapy in 12 years.



i am primed, if not stoked for any possible situation.


man and i thought this post was going to be about Vampire Weekend.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

jk, IT'S ABOUT THE BEST JACKET SONG FOR GRINDING UP ON STRANGERS. that song is a little taste of heaven. all bets are off when that song plays.
"[Adrien Brody] is a big hip-hop fan and plans on becoming a producer. He is being mentored by RZA."


touch me part 2 might as well be recorded on one singular compact disc and put in the smithsonian and i am dead serious

Goat Boy

I have no idea what you are on about Tracy to be honest  ;D  Sounds fun though!  


I got dibs on standing by Tracy @ the next show...

Fringe benefits!!!

I kid, I kid....
O, How time flies, with crystal clear eyes.  But it's cold, it's cold, when you're ending with diamond eyes.