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Started by DavidCrosby, Jun 18, 2008, 11:25 AM

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DavidCrosby yesterday my friends and I were driving around after coming home from Bonnaroo (they all want to listen to MMJ now that they saw some of that show the other night) we are driving around listening to It Still Moves and during Golden I happen to look up and notice we were turning onto Golden was just kind of a cool moment were everything synchronized up.....another great MMJ moment.....

....I am currently at work (at an indie record store) and making everyone in here listen to Evil Urges and so far someone randomly bought the record.....just doing my part to push copies of this record guys, thanks for making such a great new one.....
listen to vinyl


Yes that song has long been known to produce unexplainable phenomena....religious or spiritual per of the best written and sung songs in world history!

Heaven's Golden Shore's We'll Lay Our Heads
You Are Everything

Love Dogg

No one in the world dislikes this one.  :)
"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."


I had countless experiences of synchronicity like that years ago with the Dead (some enhanced by certain chemicals  ;D but some stone cold sober).  That's when you know your relationship with a band and their music transcends the normal fan or listener so much that it invites cosmic repercussions.  Very cool.  Thanks for sharing.
"There are only two kinds of songs; there's the blues, and there's zip-a-dee-doo-dah."
-Townes Van Zandt