I love these songs so much...

Started by freeport, Jun 27, 2008, 02:56 PM

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I've covered them in two bands!!!!!!!

My first band did The Bear twice (acoustic shows) even opening with it once.

My current project took the MMJ covers to the next level:
At Dawn- we played it twice
Nashville To Kentucky- played the verse and then segued into an an original
The Bear- Also used the verse as a spring board to some imrov and into an original as well as one full performance.

Here's an example: 5-1-08The Mudhole @ CCC- McPherson, KS
Nashville To Kentucky*->
The Reason
You Are Welcome Here^^
Unashamed Love
The Bear*->
The Fragile Frame**->
The Bear (reprise)
Two Sides***

*My Morning jacket covers, verse only
** First verse
*** No bridge, extended outro
^Snuggle song theme
^^Hope on lead vocals

There simple yet rich with feeling and flow nicely in the sets with our originals.


You have a recording of that?  i would be interested to hear what you did with those.

I like hearing other peoples covers, I usually cover songs different than the next person, and so on.  I am actually playing Librarian and possibly Off the Record in a set I having coming up at a local festival (small, 10 bands, 70 people).  It will be my vocal debut!  (I am really bad at vocals, kind of tone def, but I am getting better, so I figure the only way to get better is to do it more).  I will also be covering some Whiskeytown too. I'm playing with friend who has the an amazing voice, similar to Ani Difranco but much wider range, we usually play her originals and a few covers of my choice.


I wish I did :'(

I tried to keep the arangements as close to the originals. We usually did them two acoustics and vocals. Pretty simple, letting the tunes speak for themselves.


I'm glad to hear you covered them, they're all very great songs, especially The Bear, in my opinion.

Tony Two Tone

Putting a cover band together....already playing a few shows just them doing instrumentals and I do like 3 or 4 covers to sing....

Already planning on Mageethah and OBH
