Best beginner's MMJ album??  Please give input!!

Started by david6591, Aug 04, 2008, 06:09 PM

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easy way

It all depends on where you're going for vacation.
"the time is with the month of winter solstice, when the change is due to come..."


Chronological order is not a bad idea, even though you're already familiar with some of their newer songs.  For me, it started with It Still Moves.   But if you're going to start with earlier material, I'm thinking At Dawn would be better than The Tennesse Fire, because it's a much better album, and I think it's when they really began to hit their stride.


At Dawn

I started off with It Still Moves but any choice you make will be the correct one!  ;)
"Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"


I began my journey by downloading One Big Holiday, I downloaded some more of It Still Moves, but not the whole thing. That week I went to buy some of their CD's, but the store I go to only had Okonokos. Nedless to say once I heard the live version of Run Thru and Dondante I was hooked. So Okonokos seems like a good choice for me. Some one starting at Tennessee Fire may be a little deceived about how the bands sound.

That said though I wish I would have never heard anything and just originally started at TF.


QuoteI began my journey by downloading One Big Holiday, I downloaded some more of It Still Moves, but not the whole thing. That week I went to buy some of their CD's, but the store I go to only had Okonokos. Nedless to say once I heard the live version of Run Thru and Dondante I was hooked. So Okonokos seems like a good choice for me. Some one starting at Tennessee Fire may be a little deceived about how the bands sound.

That said though I wish I would have never heard anything and just originally started at TF.

I started with It Still Moves.  I wish I had started with TF also, but honestly I don't think I would have gotten hooked on the band had I done that.  Even with ISM, it took me several weeks before it clicked.

The cool thing about Okonokos is it's kind of like getting the sampler at a new brewpub.  Everyone has different tastes, so I don't take the bartender's recommendation.  If I just tried the one recommended to me and I didn't like it, I may never come back and miss out on one of the beers I would actually enjoy.  I sample the beers for myself and then pick the one that I like the most.  Okonokos allows you to do that, and as an added bonus it gives you the flavor of their live show, where they are strongest.  


I started with AD and I didnt get to TTF until the darla vinyl re-release. I am glad that I did not start with TTF...i wouldn't have 'got it'. TTF is a fans record not a record to start with.


QuoteI started with AD and I didnt get to TTF until the darla vinyl re-release. I am glad that I did not start with TTF...i wouldn't have 'got it'. TTF is a fans record not a record to start with.

God damn those shaky knees.


I started with Chocolate & Ice and was hooked as soon as I heard Cobra, (and Sooner is still a family fav).  Then moved to Acoustic Citsuoca, then It Still Moves, At Dawn & The Tennessee Fire (I said I was hooked didn't I?).  I hear the arguments for and against Okonokos, but it will have to be my suggestion, as you get both the flavor of them live and the essence of multiple albums.


the best way to hear them live (absolutely not taking anything away from oko, because it blew my freakin' mind) is to go SEE them live. whew! what an experience that is. WATERFRONT!!!!!!!


Chronological, Tennessee Fire isn't their best album, but it is really amazing to discover a band and follow them album by album and see the different directions they take their material.


I'd vote for Z, hands down.  

I feel like the sound is a little more polished than their earlier albums, and the album's appeal seems obvious to me.  I think that even a casual fan can appreciate Z on some level.

If you want to go another route, I actually got my wife hooked through Acoustic Citsuoca.  It might be a good option if the first-time listener enjoys a more mellow sound.

Love Dogg

QuoteI'd vote for Z, hands down.  

I feel like the sound is a little more polished than their earlier albums, and the album's appeal seems obvious to me.  I think that even a casual fan can appreciate Z on some level.

If you want to go another route, I actually got my wife hooked through Acoustic Citsuoca.  It might be a good option if the first-time listener enjoys a more mellow sound.

Two very good points.  I've found that AC really turns people on, unless they are heartless, soul-less metal heads.
"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."

Angry Ewok

Two paths...

Either start with Okonokos, and then find the albums with your favorite songs... or start with Evil Urges and work backwards from Z to It Still Moves! and so forth.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


I believe It Still Moves may be my favorite album, and I guess I'd recommend starting with that or Z.
One good thing about music: when it hits you feel no pain.


I all depends on your friend's taste in music and what else they're listening to at the time.  For my alt-country acoustic-loving friend, I'd throw them anything from It Still Moves or before, especially AC.  For someone who listens to more "normal" music, or who is a more casual music fan, I'd give them Z.

However, so far I've found that more people like Evil Urges right off the bat than anything else.  I have no idea why, but they do.  I guess it's more accessible.  

Edit: Either way, the trick is to get them to want to see mmj live.  That's when the real conversion happens.


The first one I got was OKONOKOS, but I was already an established fan through downloads and streams.

For a beginner, I'd probably recommend AT DAWN.


beginner schbeginner

At Dawn is one of the best albums ever made. Accept no substitutes.
This isn't rocket science, it's rockenroll  ;)

At Dawn  


TTF and AD have a similar acoustic feel to them. Then with ISM (the "bridge" album) the other genres start to emerge and become more prevalent with Z and EU. Therefore, I'd start with ISM as the album with the broadest spectrum of MMJ's music.
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