DAMN!  This is a scathing review....

Started by Tony30052, Aug 26, 2008, 06:51 PM

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Quotemy one friend that still don't like it is a gay asshole, so who really gives a fuck what he thinks?

is he really gay?


QuoteShow me the grammar mistake. Serious. Show it to me. I would love for you to point out my grammar errors.

should be "seriously."


QuoteShow me the grammar mistake. Serious. Show it to me. I would love for you to point out my grammar errors.

should be "seriously."

In another time, in another place, in another face


QuoteI've got no beef with a music critic (and self-described MMJ fan) who doesn't get Evil Urges - it just doesn't grab you like the earlier records, especially if you're using the early style as a reference. But after going to a show and saying you still don't like it, especially Highly Suspicious (which strangely enough seems to have emerged as the biggest live fan favorite from EU), well, then I think you're just trying to stick with your original opinion, and resisting that most evil of urges, that of changing your mind and being accused of becoming (horrors!) a Flip-Flopper. I was also slow to receive EU, but I hesitated to form a strong opinion until it had time to grow on me, and I can say after 3 months and 3 live helping, I friggin love the record and the live performances thereof. But then, I'm not a blogger.

Thanks dude. I appreciate the fact that it is possible to like a band, but not like a particular album. I worship the ground Jeff Tweedy walks on but "A Ghost Is Born"? Ugh. Brutal.

I loved the Dallas show! I still don't like "Highly Suspicious" & I never will. I've seen them three times & only left one time disappointed, which was due to the jackass crowd that ruined the show for me.

Well now you have just lost all credibility.  A Ghost is Born, brutal?  Your opinions are brutal man.


But can you imagine the recent setlists without any Evil Urges tracks?  When I listen to Okonokos now I find myself missing really missing tracks like Touch Me, Evil Urges (great song btw) and yes even Highly Suspicious which rocks hard live.

QuoteNope. I haven't changed my mind. There are two differences now though. I can't stand "Evil Urges" & I actually kind of like "Touch Me I'm Going To Scream, Part Two". Other than that...what a freaking bummer man.

However...I did get to see them in Dallas a few nights ago & they sure did not disappoint, as usual. Well...they did play "Highly Suspicious" which made me throw up in my mouth a bit.


Quotei posted a reply to the review, i'm sure he'll delete it - so i'll paste it here too!
i've had a couple of my friends that are long time jacket fans have similar KNEE-JERK reactions, then after the infection takes hold, have come to love this evolution of an awesome band.

my one friend that still don't like it is a gay asshole, so who really gives a fuck what he thinks?
Nope. It's still there. I normally delete cursing like that but I left it. I pretty much expected at least some sort of response & I don't shy away from comments on my site.

I also don't normally condone that kind of gay bashing either...to each his own I suppose.


Quotei don't think the review was poorly written and everyone's entitled to their opinion--i have a couple friends who said the same about Z and were even less happy w/EU. i also like the wilco comparison but you lost me w/the Band of Horses comment--you smell of pitchfork spawn. BOH are a pretty good band but you're saying you enjoy the mild imitation over the real thing just because the real thing has ventured off into another direction. as a music critic (not saying you are, probably you're just another indie kid w/a domain name), you should at least have given them credit for trying out difference styles and influences and mentioned that they, once again, tried something new w/unabashed confidence, but instead you said you hated the album and couldn't get through it, yet you managed to find 2 songs you really liked,and a few more that were decent (including one that called pretty). So you hated it but really you enjoy 4/5 songs on there--half the album or so?   i respect your opinion, just the review is something i would have written about my 5th grade trip to Disneyland. "I like Disneyland. Mickey is nice."

oh and BTW< JIM has always been sexy. !!!!!!!!! :D

I will admit to being a furious Pitchfork reader. That is definitely true. I don't buy into everything they deem cool (Grizzly Bear? BORING AS HELL) but I think they are dead on about 80% of the time.

There are a few folks here that have defended me & I appreciate that. Oddly enough, I am a fan of this band that simply doesn't like one album. Hell, even The Beatles put out a stinker with "Let It Be". It is possible.


It's funny, my favorite song off the new album is Sec Walkin' and my favorite Wilco album is A Ghost Is Born.  Different strokes for different folks I guess....

glad your still a fan though!  shows some character.  

My opinion: while this is BY FAR my least favortie MMJ album as a whole - it does have some of my ALL TIME favorite MMJ tracks - I'm Amazed, Sec Walkin', Thank You Too, Touch Me Pt II & Smokin'.  Needless to say, they way I look at this album is just that the boys were tryin to have a good time playin' music.  
God damn those shaky knees.

The Drake

I thought you were getting treated pretty rough around here but classifying Let It Be as a stinker sends your musical credibility out the window. There a difference between stating your opinion and being ornery just to get a reaction.  But you win, because here's mine:

Across the Universe, I Got a Feeling, Let It Be, those tracks are stinkers?!?  That's crazy.

But this guy's better than Pitchfork.  They haven't liked a jacket album yet including At Dawn and It Still Moves.  Their highest ranked album from pitchfork is the at dawn and tn fire demos.  great release, but that's crazy, too.


The ONLY thing wrong with Let It Be was the bullshit that Spector did to it.
Two Of Us, Dig A Pony, I Me Mine, One After 909, Get Back, more great tunes to add to Drake's examples...sure, Let It Be and Long And Winding Road are kinda sappy and boring, but still. I guess you just have to hate stuff if you're going to be a critic...

You lost me with the mindless retort on your site about being an idiot for buying Evil Urges.
"...it's gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


As long as you keep a straight face...



Did this band get pissed because Band Of Horses is now better at being My Morning Jacket than My Morning Jacket is?

and this:

Jim, dude...you aren't sexy. Give it up.

Band of horses are a one trick pony...Big sound, but no MMJ, by any means...Still, gotta confess that I'm not down with the Evil Urges...Seems kind of uneven, but it could grow on me, you never know...Maybe seeing them at the Greek in a few weeks will help?!