Band, you are owed an apology!

Started by wellfleet, Dec 17, 2005, 02:23 PM

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I tried to find the thread where some yahoo started this drugs rumour but can't. maybe it was removed. i don't remember who started this, but you should e-mail the band members a sincere apology.
all of us here, i'm sure, are really sorry that a few individuals' dumb jokes have caused you to lose sleep or have to explain this to your moms. we're sorry you even had to take the time away from recovery and your families to address this silly stuff. we're sorry it's gone as far as the local paper. at least they made sense of it all...
whatever you do, or don't do, is your private business and no one should stoop so low as to make this forum tabloid-like.
you deserved better.
everything sucks. really.


The person involved has apologised fully. He feels bad enough about upsetting people without this. What I'd like to see now is a little forgeiveness here and let's move on.



everyone in this country is getting too damn sensitive.  A guy made a joke...some of you didn't like it.  Move on with your life!  That is what is wrong with people nowadays...

I mean, damn, when someone famous says something stupid, we talk about it for a year.  Oh my god, that guy just said that new york has a lot of gay people........lets crucify him for 8 months!  People slip with words, have prejudices, or are just plain stupid...why do we have to talk about it for years???


ass......boobies..........noonie mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!


hey, personally, i don't really care, i don't care if the band is on the wagon, off the wagon, building the wagon... i would just hate for this site to start being policed. on other fan forums there are strict guidelines like: no rumours, no mention of sex/drugs/personal relationships, no swearing, etc... now i highly doubt ATO would do that with this particular site but you never know. we live in strange times where you're not allowed to offend anybody. i'm sure that person meant it as a joke, but can you imagine if some freakin' parent group stumbles on here and calls for the boycott of all things MMJ because of the content the band fosters here? don't kid yourselves, it has happened before with other bands on a bigger scale than MMJ. and that would be really sucky.
everything sucks. really.


God, it's like you were reading my mind.  again.

Coltrane, how are the people in your hood?  Still dinks, or have you found some nice ones?

I was thinking about Jim's hair today, and wondering if he'd ever go for braids like Willie Nelson.  What do you guys think?  Or, he could put some of those ribbons in it like George Clinton.  I think that would be really awesome.


ribbons??? braids?? let the hair run free.... free like the wind.... ;D
love a song for the way it makes you feel


Quoteribbons??? braids?? let the hair run free.... free like the wind.... ;D

True.  That's probably best.  Although, I don't know, maybe it's fun to switch it up every once in a while.  

But you're right.  The freedom of the hair is an important issue.  I wonder what shampoo he uses to make his hair so incredibly astounding...  


some special curl formula... maybe some mousse? some volumizer? maybe he should do l'oreal commercials, put him and eva longoria side by side... HOT!
everything sucks. really.

ben grimm

Quote... i would just hate for this site to start being policed. on other fan forums there are strict guidelines like: no rumours, no mention of sex/drugs/personal relationships, no swearing, etc...  
Somebody dared to criticise British band the open on their site last week by expressing his dislike of their new material, his comments were wiped from the board within the hour and he was banned from the forum, we are quite lucky in our lttile corner of the intraweb. if we keep our voices down maybe they won't notice us................................ ;)


ben... i'm glad you mentioned that. we ARE very lucky to fly under the radar.
it reminds me of an SNL skit where "Condi Rice" says: "Freedom of speech is something the President and I really like about this country, don't make us take it away."
as much as this is a community of like-minded folk for the people who use this forum, this is a promotional tool for the band (probably) as dictated by their management and/or their record label. a web site is a valuable resource of info for fans and labels get their panties in a twist when their PR campaigns get sabotaged...
everything sucks. really.