From the shallow end of the pool...

Started by doughty, Dec 17, 2005, 12:10 AM

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I apologize in advance, but I have placed a bet...

Anyone know how tall Jim is? Long story short, a friend of mine was standing next to Orlando Bloom a while back and she swears that he's wee. I have a screencap from Elizabethtown on my computer and Jim's a good 3-4 inches shorter than Orlando. But  I still say 5'8"ish and she bet that Jim's gotta be 5'5" - no more.

It matters little, I know. But can someone please help me put this inane question to rest? Please please?



hmmm...i'd say he's somewhere between 5'10" and 6 foot even. Closer to 5'10" though. I've stood next to him, and remember having to stoop down to get my head next to his. I'm somewhere between 6'2 and 6'3, so i'd say that'd put him right around 5'10"-ish

Tommy would be a whole lot closer to 5'5", maybe she got confused and saw him, because that would make a lot more sense. but what that guy lacks in physical stature, he more than makes up for in spirit. he won't quit, and you'd be hard presed to find a more genuine guy.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Not sure how tall he is but he must be worth at least 10 times his weight in gold!  ;)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Thanks for the first person account, tom! But here's my question - if you look at the group pic form the bio page, Jim and Tommy look to be the same height - if anything, Jim appears a bit shorter.

Does anyone else have a first person account? Two of y'all say 5'10" and I'll put it to rest.

thanks guys:)


he may have pneumonia, but i bet that gives him good time to read emails. you may drop him a note, wish him well and tell him the whole story. he'd more than likely get back to you on it.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I got a picture of me, Jim, and my wife before the 40 Watt show. He's about 5'11'', closer to 6 feet.

and since I did not dwarf Tommy when I have talked to him (unlike Tom  ;)) I'd say he's more like 5'9"


wondering if there will ever come a day when random people are trying to figure out how tall I am...


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


well yeah, you're right.

more like 5'7" or 8". he kicks ass either way though.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.



is this dead straight fact? I've been face to face with the man. I may just have no sense of height, or have just forgotten, but it did seem that he was shorter than that. do you know this for so sure?
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I think 5'10" is a pretty good guess.
about 6'2" when he's rockin out.


The Ruler


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.