MMJ should go back to self-producing their albums.

Started by whitebread, Jun 22, 2009, 09:58 PM

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capt. scotty

The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


QuoteI saw awhile back Jim and Bright Eyes/Conor Oberst doing things together. I bought a bright eyes ashes/digital urn was awful, but I could see jim taking the cues from the I wrong? I threw the disc away...

that album is far from awful, but is that the only bright eyes you've heard? It was kind of a departure.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...

Colonel Forbin

QuoteIt has been amazing to watch MMJ get the respect and notoriety they deserve. Unfortunately, a good amount of hype came with it, as they became the band that critics could not criticize, because most of these critics came to the party really late. Evil Urges got rave reviews, but in the minds of most of their fans who have been with them for awhile, it was their worst album, even though it was a worthwhile effort. It was especially obvious on the tour as very little of the new album became highlights of any of the shows (of course this is subjective, but rather agreed upon from what I could see). I'm all for change, growth and creative experimentation, and Z was a great example of that possibility, while still retaining the originality and emotion of the spirit of this band. But Evil Urges lost a lot of that emotion, and the production value, as expertly crafted and slick as it could be, was really lacking in the heartfelt unique approach that make the other efforts so special. The "Live at the Palms" release has given me a lot of hope, that is a great collection. But I hope for the next one, they record and engineer it themselves back in a grain silo, and be a band that does something truly inspired again, and less like a band doing jokey experiments of Rick James and Beach Boys covers. They are still the best band going on the planet however, so before you tell me to shut up, please know I am just wanting to hear the best of their potential, and not more of the over-produced "for the masses" stuff.

I disagree but I respect your opinion. I may be alone on this but I really think that Evil Urges was really great and can be considered one of MMJ's top albums. It was crazy at some points (highly suspicious) but I think hearing a really insane part of Jim's personality was awesome. And songs like Touch Me Part 2, Smokin' from Shootin' and Aluminum Park are in my opinion show stoppers when I hear them live. I understand that compared to past albums it may have been really different but Evil Urges is an amazing album and when some of the songs are played live really are breath taking.