More Respect?

Started by el_chode, Oct 06, 2009, 02:50 PM

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I know this is somewhat anecdotal, but I think this is pretty neat. On Sirius 17 (Jam_ON) they sometimes give lipservice to MMJ's live shows. They'll say "a lot of kids dig this band" and then they'd play one of the same 3 tracks off Okonokos (OBH, Dancefloors, Mahgeetah), followed by either play some crappy Jack Johnson, or go back to their usual mix of Warren Haynes, Phish, String Cheese, etc.

Otherwise MMJ were relegated to the indie rock station, or with the release of EU, the AAA stations. Their "biggest" exposure was the live broadcast of NYE from 2007 or whenever they did the Oregon Trail intro. That was on the indie rock channel though.

A few weeks ago, I turn on my car and I hear that awesome part in Dancefloors where Tommy drops a bass bomb to bring in the outro, and I thought, "hey this sounds different, not the Okonokos version" and I looked at the display and it was from Bonnaroo 2004. Then a few days later, I heard a Mahgeetah from 2006.

I know it's just Sirius, but it seems like the band is starting to get some respect for their live show beyond just the commercial releases. Same is going for Ween and Wilco as far as their live shows on Sirius as well. But as much as I love them, they don't deserve it as much as MMJ. I look forward to the day where I turn on the radio and hear a version of a song I've never heard before, picked by someone other than me who knows why this song is worth being put on the airwaves

I'm surrounded by assholes

Love Dogg

Good thoughts, Choder.
"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."