OBH video on Comcast On Demand

Started by Johnny_Yac, Dec 01, 2009, 09:39 PM

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Hey MMJheads (what do we call ourselves?),

I just finished watching Pres. Obama explaining troop increase in....

Anyway, decided to do my quarterly visit to Comcast Cable Music On Demand, where they sometimes have MMJ vids, like TMIGS2, I'm Amazed, Off the Record, and cuts from Okonokos.

Was also hoping for a Monsters of Folk video (not yet).

What they did have was the 5 min "video" for One Big Holiday, from ISM.  It was totally cool!  I'd seen it availble on You Tube, but couldn't get excited about watching it on computer.  

This was the "hairband" era, with JJ et al. thrashing their heads and hiding their faces behind wild flying locks.  JJ jaming on his V in a sports coat and bare feet!  Carl showing a lot more energy than I've seen before!

The shadow puppet theater thing is a tad silly, but every music video has to have something someone thought was cool but actually sucks and has nothing to do with the music.  Its the cuts with the band, in a barn, tearing it up.  I don't care if they was lip synching or faking the guitar solos.  It pumped me up!  

Wow, I went on, eh?  So, if you got Comcast and 5 minutes, go to On Demand, then Music, then Videos M-Z, then scroll for MMJ-OBH.  Maybe I'm the only one who'd never seen it on this forum, but is was a nice find as we all memoan the current drought of new MMJ.

The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Hey thanks for the tip!
I did a little searching on Comcast OnDemand myself to see if there was anything else MMJ related....
if you go into the music section like the guy above me said, and go down to concerts.tv (HD--if you have it) and they have a half hour set from OKONOKOS.  check it out!
It ain't evil baby if it ain't hurtin' anybody