dropping from the stratosphere (bad luck)

Started by doeslittle, Jan 29, 2006, 04:37 PM

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i think it's amazingly unfortunate that jim got so sick at the time he did.....this band was poised to jump off the fucking map and now that they really have nothing going on at the moment besides their catalog of amazing work....they could have made it huge and i think really started a trend of good music i really like the comparison that they are the radiohead of the 2000's (not that their musical evolutions are similar because radiohead evolved IMMENSELY and while MMJ has evolved quite a bit they still havent jumped off the edge of sanity like radiohead did) but i base the comparison on the fact that the things that radiohead did really sparked something in the "alternative" world and brought good music to the forefront and mainstream....i really think the jacket had the potential to do that, but with jimbo being sick the tsunami rip tides they were riding coming off of Z has dwindled to just a high tide...i really hope jimbo gets back quick and we start seeing tons of shows and MMJ's PR people can REALLy get them back out there....</rant>

sorry for the runons....im too lazy to fix that paragraph

Angry Ewok

Yea, that was a tad difficult to read. But anyway, here's my take...

Shit Happens. Jim got sick at a time when the band had alot of forward momentum going on, but why don't people stop claiming calamity, and instead try to look at 2005 as a full glass nearly full...

Purely speculating, but I'd say My Morning Jacket awareness increased ten-fold in 2005 - matter of fact, I found the Jacket during their Spring of 2005 tour. Imagine how many people discovered, and became addicted to the band after Z was released.

It really bugs me to see talk about the band somehow nearly reaching success, but failing to do so because Jim got sick. If you ask me, that's a crock of shit, and it absolutely robs the band of the praise it deserves.

I don't care if you didn't really feel the Z album, that's fine, and it doesn't make you any less of a fan in my eyes - but when someone talks as if the band somehow died over a canceled European tour... Well, "fair weather fan" comes to mind.

Seriously! How can you honestly say My Morning Jacket has nothing going for them right now?

Being someone who not only discovered the band in 2005, but managed to see them Live 3 times in 3 different states since June - and being someone who has busted ass scrounging up nearly their entire musicology, and absolutely loves Z, if you ask me - the cup is overflowing from 2005 and well into 2006.

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


The only thing that I'm gonna say about is that none of them have to work a regular job when they are not on the road. I'd say that's pretty successful.
They may not be in mansions, but damn it, they're doing what 99% of the people on this board WISH they could do.


There are so many fantastic swerves and nuances to life that to sit around and say "woulda' coulda'" is simply mental masturbation.  

You know Cliff Burton died in a bus wreck in Sweden in 1986.

The Jacket was due to be in Sweden on Tuesday.

Perhaps Jim's illness saved a band members life? Perhaps him getting sick was the greatest thing that could have happened, in the moment?

Everything happens for a reason and unless you can control it you have to go with it.

Get well soon Jim so you guys can hurry up and get back to becomming famous.


"Get well soon Jim so you guys can hurry up and get back to becomming famous" ;D ;D

I feel the pain of the europeans that missed out on the tour, but they will get thier day.  I just don't understand the will of fans that are determined to see this band become big and famous.  History has taught us that it's a curse.  MMJ seems poised to continue to put out great music and play amazing live shows, so why does it matter if they get rich and famous.  I dread the day that happens, but fortunatly I don't think it ever will, not because they aren't good enough but because I don't think that is thier ambition and I don't see them going out of the way to do that.  I don't think the band was on some huge mission to do as many press releases, interviews and tv appperances as possible.  Sometimes it's as simple as recording a record and then playing it live because thats what being in a band is about, not becuase you are wanting to make a shit ton of money and become as big as the Beatles.  THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!  
There's Still Time.........


In defense of doeslittle, I understand the point of breaking down doors for good music to become a bigger part of the mainstream, unfortunatly it's just not a natural combination.  Mainstream audiences just aren't interested in this type of music.  Even Radiohead, Creep was the one song that really broke big for them and everyone knows it's thier worst album.  The mainstream audience didn't really get into Kid A and Hail To The Thief to much.  Plus at this point with the internet and everything people interested in finding good music can do so easily.  When I was in high school the only way I knew about finding out about music was from the radio or television commercials or huge billboards.  Recently Modest Mouse went mainstream for about 5 min. based on one song and one song alone, arenas filled with people that talked to thier friend about what party was going on after the show until "Float On" came on then they left going "That band sucks what was all that shit, talk about a one hit wonder".   Anyway, my point is that My Morning Jacket are basically at the pinical of the type of success that they probably want to achieve.    
There's Still Time.........


They haven't (in my mind) sold out in the least bit.  Even them having a video played on MTV early in the morning doesn't merit a sell out.

They have written songs that make me weep, make me happy, make me want to drink a beer to and then some.

They KILLED me at Bonnaroo '04 (and numerous other gigs) live and still hold the top of the list as the best band i've ever seen...including u2, paul mccartney, wilco, radiohead....etc.

'nuff said.  I think they have already blazed a path in musical greatness and will continue to do so, even with Jim's minor setback.


bad shit happens - i'm sure jim couldn't help getting sick (who can?). and i'm sure that -

a) their career is not just going to nosedive because they've had a few months off. they probably deserved a break. looking at the number of gigs they do each & every year, i'd say they definitely do! i'm sure they will come back fresh & ready to rock our socks off when they are good & ready

b) i will still love their music if jiim decides world-domination is the next step for mmj, or if they want to only play 5-seat venues from now til eternity. (so long as they play a 5-seat venue near me one of these days!!) i would love them MORE if they decide that possibly world domination is not the mmj-way, but who knows what the future may hold. i love the music however/whenever/wherever they want to give it to me.

and can we PLEASE stop talking about them selling out???? please?

just be patient, chickies  :)
love a song for the way it makes you feel


To go back to what doeslittle said originally about mmj and radiohead being similar.  They are in a way, but there's also a few major differences that are worth noting.  Radiohead came along when "alternative" music was popular and they were lucky in a way because all these sheep record labels were trying to sign the next big thing that was like Nirvana or whatever...with mmj they come along when "alternative country" or whatever "label" you wanna throw on TTF wasn't  taking over the radio stations like "alternative" or "grunge" was.  So, I'd say it was easier for Radiohead.  But, they only came into their own around the time ok computer came out.  And that's where I'd say Radiohead got their legendary status.  I think that in order to start a musical revolution a la the early nineties you have to have several bands, not just one.  And, excuse me, but I think that's what you were talking about origrinally when you said "MMJ" is set for world domination.  Hope I didn't twist your words around.  

As for me, I'd like to see MMJ be a huge influence on other bands to start a musical revolution like the one we saw in the early nineties.  But, I don't think they can do it on their own...that's too damn hard :P


QuoteThe only thing that I'm gonna say about is that none of them have to work a regular job when they are not on the road. I'd say that's pretty successful.
They may not be in mansions, but damn it, they're doing what 99% of the people on this board WISH they could do.

I wouldn't say that they are that well off.


yeah saki i think you hit it on the head, you get what i'm saying

and...i never said i didn't feel z....i fucking love z...

and i never said anyone sold out or that MMJ has nothing right now....i merely said that they could have a hell of a lot more influence on music right through their live shows etc had jim not been sick, i'm not saying i want them to sell out to become rich and famous and thus changing their outlook on making music....i just want everyone and their grandmother to grab a hold of this music or other good music like MMJ's and take it for a emotional ride.....life is fucking beautiful when you can do that...

I was just bringing up a hypothetical situation that i hoped would spur good discussion and it did. So thanks everyone!


I am really sad that Jim is sick but this little slow down might help...after all,I am under the impression that the mainstream world is not ready for the Jacket.Especially when names like Kayne West and 50 cent are so popular...I mean if that's the kinda "music" (use that term loosely) the rest of the world wants then they don't deserve the Jacket.I know that sounds selfish but I am so afraid that when/if MMJ became a part of the mainstream it will ruin them.

That's my 50 cents......... ;D
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need

Angry Ewok

The bright side :

1) We can still afford tickets!

2) If you try hard enough, you can squeeze your way to the front, without the fear of being trampled by 600 screaming 12 year old girls.

3) The atmosphere is very intimate, which is awesome - especially during Jim's acoustic solo's.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


3-4 months off isnt exactly "dropping from the stratosphere".



never said they dropped all the way to the ground

Sleazy Rider

Who knows maybe we will get some dvd footage of Jim's battle with pnuemonia.
Politics. It's a drag. They put one foot in the grave, and the other on The Flag.