A sad story, but...

Started by Johnny_Yac, Oct 17, 2010, 12:37 AM

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The morning of the Portland show, I had to work a half day.  I'm a high school science teacher and had a sub arranged to cover the last class of the day so I could get an early start on the 3 hour drive to Portland.

I came in to find that the facutly were being informed that one of my students had lost her mother in a horrific car accident the night before.  Her brother, a senior, and her maternal grandmother were in critical condition and not expected to survive.  Needless to say, she was not in class today.

Her mother was also a teacher at one of the middle schools that feeds our high school, so many students and staff were affected by the sad and shocking news.

We began our first class in silence for maybe 20 minutes, then started to talk of our sympathy for this girl's loss.  There were tears (me included), memories, feelings shared.  One of my kids noted a lot of awkward silence and I think they were looking for a change.  Another student suggested music and specifically asked if I would play some My Morning Jacket.  The others agreed.  I threw on Okonokos.

The kids loved it.  They continued to talk, cry, make cards for the family, but they kept acknowledging that the music was helping make things better.  One student came up and asked if I had any MMJ on CD he could borrow.  I ran out to my car and gave him a CD I had made, a mix from a couple of years ago.  

An older student, not in my class, heard the music and snuck in.  He stayed and listen for quite some time.  He told me he was in a band and this was exactly what he was looking for, in terms of style and energy.  He's asked for more.

It was a tough morning, but MMJ helped make it a little less sad.  And I love that the kids asked for it.  
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Awesome story buddy. It's good to see the band have a positive impact on a real tragedy.

I like how you have enough mmj cds to just up and give one out when someone hears the band and loves them. I keep extras in case that happens to me as well

Love Dogg

Tough stuff, Johnny.  Thanks for sharing that story.  Our thoughts are with you, your students, and the girl's family.  My Morning Jacket's music certainly has healing properties in it.  Everybody knows that life/class must go on, but maybe you can offer one Jacket song every morning for awhile, or at least until the grieving process has moved into the acceptance phase for these kids.  
"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."


My heart goes out to your student, her family, and extended network of people.  So great that you were able to bring some comfort to her classmates through the music.... :)
.....Back at the Model Home


That's such a sad story Johnny.
I'm glad you were able to help those kids out with MMJ.
Sending thoughts and prayers to your student.
How loud can silence get?