Re: Interesting Jacket Info

Started by mccubbbiinnnnsssss, Feb 21, 2006, 03:27 PM

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i didn't get my feelings hurt or anything like that...its just why can't you make a civilized response instead of being a prick about it?  especially if you are going to sign on as a guest and do it...that is not having a backbone!

What you need to realise cmcubbin25 is that you are unlikely to get a serious answer that shows respect for you and your ideas from some of our brethren. I mean a crocodile, a crying baby, wtf is that about? I don't know if it's supposed to make them look clever but from my point of view it makes them look like jerks.

I think it's a cop out to say offensive things to people and then tell them to grow a backbone. It's everyone's responsibility not to offend people in my opinion. Otherwise you just give them carte blanche to get nasty.

I'm sick of the nastiness. I have a backbone and I'm still sick of the nastiness.


It's a Kentucky thang. You wouldn't understand.


QuoteIt's a Kentucky thang. You wouldn't understand.

i'm from KY and i don't understand.  one of the great things about our state is the southern hospitality, at least where i'm from in KY.
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Where I come from, KY is a kind of a jelly.  Smooth and helpful and nice.  Kind of like the KY where you come from.

i wonder if i'll erase this in five seconds...

it seems a lot of the KY around here doesnt ease the pain in the ass, though.

im being both funny and serious, if thats possible.  



fuck.  fuck.  too late.

very clever, though, ratsprayer.  thank you for immortalizing my terrible joke and running with it.  ;)



but if you're posting about Jim sending us sell out messages through the songs on  Z,

whatever jerk!  thats TOTALLY whats going on.  in fact i sold out just yesterday becaus jim told me too.  next thing youll be telling me some bullshit about how jims not singing to ME when  im in the crowd at mmj shows.


Quotefuck.  fuck.  too late.

very clever, though, ratsprayer.  thank you for immortalizing my terrible joke and running with it.  ;)

when i read it, i knew it was just too easy (the joke) to put in there.

thank you, ill be here all week....


Quotenext thing youll be telling me some bullshit about how jims not singing to ME when  im in the crowd at mmj shows.
you mean he's not singing to me?   :'(


doctor, who are you to say what is offensive or not? This ain't the PMRC.


Quotedoctor, who are you to say what is offensive or not? This ain't the PMRC.

so the doctor cant give her opinion, but you can spout yours at any given chance?  thats very interesting.  you seem to a be litmus paper on most every subject in the universe.


Who said doctor couldn't give an opinion?

I just disagree with her opinion.


wow, did you know that if you took the pi out of opinion, you get onion?

what. is. the. connection. there?



Quotedoctor, who are you to say what is offensive or not? This ain't the PMRC.

I'm nobody. Offensive is in the dictionary. I was using the word as described in the third bullet point.

Definitions of offensive on the Web:

*violating or tending to violate or offend against; "violative of the principles of liberty"; "considered such depravity *offensive against all laws of humanity"
for the purpose of attack rather than defense; "offensive weapons"
*causing anger or annoyance; "offensive remarks"
*unsavory: morally offensive; "an unsavory reputation"; "an unsavory scandal"
*unpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses; "offensive odors"
*dysphemistic: of an offensive substitute for inoffensive terminology; "`nigger' is a dysphemistic term for `African-American'"
*offense: the action of attacking an enemy
*nauseating: causing or able to cause nausea; "a nauseating smell"; "nauseous offal"; "a sickening stench"

I don't know what the PMRC is but I imagine it wasn't a compliment.


just dont let no joke see what i typed in here or ill be taunted "anonymously" for the second time today!


Sorry I'm such a jerk, everybody!  

no joke

QuoteSorry I'm such a jerk, everybody!  

Me, too.  Sorry.  my life sucks, and I take my anger out on others anonymously.


QuoteSorry I'm such a jerk, everybody!  
That's a nice picture  :)

(and everybody's a jerk from time to time)


its ok.  your anger is adorable.  it would be more adorable if you had the cajones to man up without "hiding" but i think we both know who you are so thats cool.  

no harm done.


Me, too.  Sorry.  I give people a hard time when I could just disagree amicably.