Tommy's playing style

Started by SiouxTribe, May 04, 2006, 12:55 PM

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After watching some MMJ vids, I noticed Tommy's style is something I have never seen before...he almost attacks the bass like a slap technique , but is hitting  it with his fingers or something..its really intense looking.
As a bass player myself, I really have no clue how in the world he can play like that, and have tried to imitate it myself....does anyone know what is going on?!
Passion dripping from the coyote's eyes,
He can taste his blood,
An' blood never lies,
Pale face die. - Kiedis


he just gets really into it. i remember he blistered the crap out of his fingers at the nashville show during  run thru. some sick blood blisters. different strokes fer different folks, but his is pretty viscious.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


My friend David played like that in highschool. He used to get huge blood blisters on his fingers, too. They were pretty gross. Eventually his callus's on both sets of fingers got so thick the blisters stopped coming. I wonder how Tommy's callus's are doing.... I bet they are freakin massive. Twenty layers of extra skin, haha.