9th Row Pair for Radio City - A few options

Started by rileythegunna, Apr 15, 2008, 08:46 AM

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I have a pair in Section 6 Row HH for the Radio City show.
There are a few ways I can go with this.

I am still going to the show so if someone has a good (similar) single, but needs a pair, we can trade and you can pay me for the extra ticket.

Or would be willing to trade one of the 2 for a PJ show (either).

Or would sell one of them for face-50ish.

plenty of options
PM me if interested.



rasta runna and riley the gunna making their summa funna!
God damn those shaky knees.


DA FUnky precedent...
he'll be here all week

be sure to tip your waitresses and bartenders.

Chanel to the mainstage..
Chanel up next on the main stage


MMJ Shows 2005-2023 [32]


These are still out there!!!

I really want the single to be in the ORCH not upstairs (and hopefully double letters although they could be a bit farther back)


ms. yvon

hey riley, i can't tell which is section 6 on the floor plan.

what are your seat numbers?

i have a single, row OO, against the wall.  i may be interested in your pair.
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."