Is mmj growing big?

Started by lfish, May 27, 2003, 02:19 PM

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Hi! Man! Just reading the previous post, I can picture someone who's just crazy excited about MMJ, and music in general. That's how I feel when I tell people about MMJ. I get all flustered, and worry that my little words just aren't enough to describe the real greatness of the band. Whew! Anyway - has anyone noticed that there seems to be a new influx of posters here? My heavens! MMJ are indeed growing big! Hopefully, soon, they will grow to be the biggest. I WAS disappointed that they weren't included in Rolling Stones "artists to watch" issue. Yeah - the one that described Eminem as a "Genius." I just bought my last copy. Rolling Stone's one goal must be to wipe good music from the face of the earth. But let's end on a good note... I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance!
You came around when I needed you, now I'm up to my neck in you.

i sing lowdown drunk

 8) now look here first of all everyone tackels with the whole my band thing including myself... but its not your band its there band they own themselves. lots of people love the jacket and first of all if they break into mainstream its not all that bad.... i mean maybe youll drive down the street and just one thing comes on the radio it might just be the best 3 minutes of your car ride let alone life...(this applies to those without cd players in their cars ;) ) it sucks if some stupid punk kid comes up to you and is like have you heard of mmj i like that song they do..( when they havent heard any of the good ol stuff) but for the band this makes them rich and when you make music as good as the jacket you damn well deserve to be rich. Concert prices may go up but then again one day maybe mmj will topple pearl jam ( another amazing band) and theyll be the headliners with pearl jam as nothing more than an opener hahahahahaha now that would be cool. you must agree. the world would be better if we all had a common ground when it came to talking about the jacket!!!!


I hope they do become big... they damn-well deserve it.
If they do, we can all go around saying "I knew them when they drew a few hundred or less, and were big only in Holland!" and we can reminisce. Let's face it, their music retains its personal meaning to each of us no matter how "big" they get... no fame, fortune or publicity can take that away.
My defining moment with MMJ, was hearing 'The Bear' on the radio as I awoke on that spring morning of 1999. I still haven't heard them on the radio since, but that stuck with me, and brings back great memories. It was a complete fluke, I still would never have heard of them if it weren't for that clock radio going off... I found them--- or they found me.


Another amen here, brother!


i sing lowdown drunk

 ;D  this is what im saying to all of us who have loved the jacket from day one, nothing will change... people will stay have ther opinions but the fact is all that counts is the music. if mmj continues to produce music that is mystifing and enchanting, as well as soulful and light while still being heart pumping and loud. it wont change a thing the guys will just cash in for making some of the best music ever my little friend ashton says "everytime I hear steam engine no matter how many times its played it makes me tickle, its almost like the song makes everything seem OK" mmj will never sell out because they make isnt the kind you can sell out with, its the kind you can buy lifelong fans with!


i hope thats the case, i want them to come to New York City pronto.
i have a bunny in my pants.


I really don't think MMJ are going to get big like Pearl Jam.......they might be cult icons or like underground heroes kind of like Sonic Youth or Fugazi or whoever, but I don't think they will ever hit mainstream appeal......mainly because of their looks......which has absolutely nothing to do with music but f**k MTV and commercial rock stations because they don't DESERVE to play good music like that


Whoever said that MMJ doesn't attract the youth was mostly right, but not entirely. I found out about MMJ when i was fourteen, because i saw them listed as one of the openers for the Foo Fighters on their latest tour. I "aquired" some of their songs, which just so happened to be heartbreaking man, and lowdown (2 of their best songs IMO). I instantly realiseds what I had been missing out on, and showed all my friends the music. They all liked it, even the kid who listens to rap music. Then myself, along with 3 friends went to see them opening for the Foos. They kicked ass infront of 9000 people, and I'll tell you, Live is the most amazing way to hear one big holiday ( the best MMJ song). I am now the biggest fan of MMJ in Canada ( possibly the only) and await the day they come to southern Ontario, hopfully to an all ages venue. Wait a second, wasn't this chat about whether they were becomming big? If I keep on showing people MMJ music, soon they will be. I agree with the people who say they want MMJ to stay a smaller band, because I love being one of the people lucky enought to have heard their music, but i wish them only the best of luck in the future. And PLEASE COME TO SOUTHERN ONTARIO. ill be there for sure.


QuoteI really don't think MMJ are going to get big like Pearl Jam... mainly because of their looks

Well I dont agree with this. What's wrong with their looks?  They have long hair, so what?  Did you ever seen chad kroeger, the singer of nickelback?  Now that's a guy as ugly as fuck. He doesn't have the look and the music is like shit. He still gets airplay, why? ... because it's easy listening. And looks have nothing to do with it.  oh and how about eminem or other rappers full of tatoos and piercings. Nothing against that but mmj has only long hair and I think they're pretty handsome boys.  Johnny could be a model if he wasn't playing in the jacket.

So my point is looks have nothing to do with it. Just the music itself is the problem. mmj are not playing easy music.  And a lot of commercial stations (like mtv) only want to play music that sells big time and follows the mainstream, and I don't think the jacket fits well into this picture.

But that's just my humble opinion.


The stupid thing is that here in Holland their shows are less well-visited then before... Their shows from last November only had about 100 or 200 people showing up, and they play smaller venues than 3 years ago in the The Tennessee Fire era... We're getting deafer and deafer over here.  ;D
I'm ready when you are


Well in Belgium the opposite has happened.  In march 2003 I saw the jacket performing at the nijdrop (like a youth cafe that occasionally organizes concerts but is not in fact a real concerthall) for 200 people.  In octobre I saw them for almost 500 people playing in the Ancien Belgique, which is a true concerthall.  But due of the voice problems of Jim, the concert wasn't a real success so I don't know if there will be as much people as in octobre the next time they come around. But I think the press should have given more attention to this band.



This always seems to happen when I discover a "new" band.  In the months after discovery I become paranoid that they are going to sell out and that the music will become lost.  I don't think they will ever get Pearl Jam big because with respect they are too good.  Look at Pearl Jam they have released many "dodgy" albums and still continue to sell millions of records.  On the otherhand MMJ have had 3 kickking bottom albums and still haven't become big.  The day they release an average album will be the day that they start playing arenas.  So in answer to the question no they haven't sold out and I can never really see the day when the arena tour begins.  I think they will become a cult band a bit like The Pixies.


I definitley think that MMJ will make it big. They have a sound like no one else and that's what people want. I hear all of these bands on MTV that sound exactly alike, I don't want to hear that. I want to hear something original like MMJ. Keep the tunes rollin.


The only thing MMJ has "sold out" are venues across the world!

I first saw them in 2001 at Headliner's in Louisville to a less-than-half-full house for a WFPK event. After seeing them there again just a year ago on 01.04.03, I turned to my friend and said, "you may call me crazy, but mark my word: one day MMJ will grace the halls and walls of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, OH!" She said I was dreaming, but you just wait 25 years or so and we'll see!   ;)