1 extra ORCH seat at face value to RCMH!

Started by johnbky, Jun 12, 2008, 03:04 PM

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Reverend ToneZone

How much is face?  I'm definitely interested in purchasing this from you.  I just found out today that I'm gonna be in New York next week.  This is the first place I came when I realized I'd be in town for the show.  Hit me up!  Thanks!

None of this is physical . . . at least not to me.


I'd love to take it if it's still available


QuoteMy friend has to back out (and for a good reason, believe it or not).
Don't make me sell this thing on Ebay.
Seat is in ORCH 4, row W.

Great to see real MMJ fans get this tic for RCMH. Damn, this site is just awesome!


Reverend ToneZone

QuoteYeah, I've made money off of tix on Ebay before, but just can't bring myself to do it for MMJ.  It's gonna be a show to remember.  Sure hope someone's able to record it!

Thanks for ticket!  I really appreciate it!   :)
None of this is physical . . . at least not to me.

Reverend ToneZone

QuoteMy friend has to back out (and for a good reason, believe it or not).
Don't make me sell this thing on Ebay.
Seat is in ORCH 4, row W.

Great to see real MMJ fans get this tic for RCMH. Damn, this site is just awesome!


Yeah, I wish everything could have played out the way it was supposed to . . .   >:(

I just got burned by this guy and I'm a little upset!

I was clearly the first person to respond to his post and I also PM'd him at the same time.

johnbky reponded to my message with the following . . .
"Do you still need tix?  PM ASAP if so."

2 hours after he sent that PM I responded . . .
"Yes I do!  Thanks!"

After 9pm last night, johnbky then reponded . . .
Sorry it took a while to respond.  
Paypal me 60 bucks to jbloodworth79@yahoo.com and I'll e-mail it to you ASAP.  Enjoy the show!"

I woke up this morning at 6am, read his message and immediately sent the funds via paypal and responded . . .
"Payment sent!  Thank you very much, I will definitely enjoy the show!  I take it this is an e-ticket right?  Do you have the hard ticket too by any chance?  Thanks again!"

Then at 12:30pm today I received an email from paypal saying my payment has been refunded and that it will take 4 business days to receive my money back!  Attached was my last contact with johnbky where he wrote . . .
"Sorry!  Someone else already sent me payment.  I am now refunding your payment.  Hope you're able to get a ticket!"

Why would he tell me to send him money if he was going to sell the ticket to someone else?  I have a sneaking suspicion that someone offered him more money for the ticket and instead of telling me, he just refunded my money and went with the better offer.  John, care to chime in?  This really stinks!!!   >:(
None of this is physical . . . at least not to me.


The show is a week away.  Five people replied with an interest in the ticket.  The only way to handle it was to send the same paypal instructions to all five and give the ticket to the first that paid.  I've been burned before by people with cold feet.  In the end, only two sent payment, confirming the fact that if I had entertained the request of those three that did not pay, then I very well may not have gotten rid of the ticket.  I promptly refunded the payment of the second buyer.  Also, the person who ended up with the ticket can confirm that they paid 60.  Truly sorry to disappoint you.  I guess next time, I'll sadly have to resort to Ebay.

Reverend ToneZone

If you had 5 responses then why would you ever resort to ebay?  This just doesn't make sense to me.  Why would you send me the following message if you were going to send the same thing to 4 other people . . .

Sorry it took a while to respond.  
Paypal me 60 bucks to jbloodworth79@yahoo.com and I'll e-mail it to you ASAP.  Enjoy the show!"
None of this is physical . . . at least not to me.