Do you have any extra tickets for RCMH??`

Started by ohmeohmyoh, Jun 16, 2008, 02:39 AM

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looking for a ticket, preferably two to RCMH this week... it would be really special for reasons I can't quite say on a web forum, but suffice to say you would be a blessing if you had a pair to sell


I might have an extra pair; I should know either today or tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.
MMJ Shows 2005-2023 [32]


I'm dying for an extra for RCMH, too -- wasn't sure if it was cool to grovel here. It'd be very much appreciated.


Let's say I have 2 together (not great seats) and 2 singles (decent) I need to get rid of for face value but they are etickets.  How can I make this work and why would you trust buying an eticket.  I could pick them up at will call day of show and exchange then but I'd rather not deal with that...

lemme know if interested and how we can make this work.

p.s. I don't have paypal or anything like that...and will not.


hey guys...

still on the look out for a couple of RCMH tickets... even if they aren't a pair at this point.

please let me know :]


MMJ Shows 2005-2023 [32]


So, I'm going to step out of lurking to add my voice to the chorus of ticket pleas.
If anyone has a single they're willing to sell, you would totally make my day.
Did I mention it's my birthday? (no kidding).

I snoozed on getting tickets for this, but after seeing them at Roo, their Philly show feels painfully far away.

Email me (Jessica618 at if you've got one.


Got 1 extra on the 2nd mez if anyone is interested in grabbing it day of show!?!?! You'll get to sit & rock out with 3 cool ass chicks :D

Flying in from Flori-duh 10pm tomorrow night....YIPPIE ;)


As much as it pains me to make this my introduction to the MMJ forum, my plans for RCMH fell thru and I am stuck with 4 tickets that I want to go to MMJ fans (for face value).  They are e-tickets.  Send me a message if you're interested.  Thanks!


Hey gang.  I have 1 extra ticket (Orch6) for tonight's show.  It is an e-ticket, but I will be at the show, so I can meet up and exchange at the venue (we can even walk in together to remove any doubt of fraud).  Face value (fuck scalpers so hard).  PM me for more details.  Tonight is gonna RAWK BAWLZ!


I wish I could get out of work early enough to make the trip down...6 hours is such a pain in the ass the day of the show.


I will take yours Shaky, I need three but can easily unload one. Anyone have three or more??


I have an extra, first mezz.  Email me dfdrury at gmail dot com


I have two extras -- awesome seats. Email me at if interested.
