The hottest thing ever...

Started by cantrell-r, Dec 06, 2006, 07:57 PM

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I took my wife to the MMJ concert in Chicago a couple of weeks ago.  The show was great (that doesn't begin to describe it), and as we were driving to school the following week, she said the hottest thing ever.  We were listening to Run Thru, and she goes "I like this band!"  It was big time.  I think I love her even more now.



My wife is really more of a pop music type of person, but I have taken her to 2 shows and she really likes them. WAWM takes her back to her Beatle days as she was a screaming teenager at one of the '63 shows.                
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


Nothing feels better than convincing someone your favourite band really is the best! :D


My wife insisted on going to see MMJ last year, even though we were due to have our first baby at any moment the week of the show ... that is hot and dedicated.  ;)


I dumped a guy once because he said MMJ sucked and that I was stupid for liking them. No, I was stupid for liking him. Fo' real.  :D


I've never dumped a girl for disliking MMJ, but I have dumped a girl for hating on the Dave Matthews Band.

I recently turned this one girl on to MMJ. She's always singing their songs... it's very cute.