My Morning Jacket Line-Up Evolves

Started by admin, Jan 19, 2004, 10:47 AM

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Again, I hear ya. Sorry to sound so negative, but I feel that Johnny in particular will be much harder to replace than the other departed members, by far. His strength and energy level were arguably greater than Jim's onstage. And I've also seen the band from the early days and read just about everything out there. As far as songwriting, true, the whole 'skeleton/body' analogy is well noted, and it'll be interesting to see how, if at all, the new guys figure into that process. But again, I could totally be surprised at the result, which wouldn't be a bad thing at all. Still, my gut tells me that we'll see Jim having a more dominant role in the music making. This is a good board with valuable comments, by the way.

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteThis is a good board with valuable comments, by the way.


Well, hey, thanks.  Have you been hooked up with the details on the FTP server?  Drop me an email.

I'd say that CC Baxter (Riny, our beloved webmaster) is responsible for the "good" and "valuable" on this board.  He's the man!
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Yes he is. And yes you are John. B/t the website and the FTP server...who needs sports.

dogandponyshow you say Garth....perhaps a little to much of a negative attitude.  I have a hard time believing that Jim brought these guys on as "hired guns".  In other words, these guys can make it work for the time being but after the tour there gone....would they be that foolish to hope it works....I don't think so. That would be pretty huge risk.   In terms of taking more time off and maybe Johnny would still be in the band. He was ready to go and I have to think that if he said that let's take a break or else I am out of the band....that is was disccused.  He's moving in a different direction...simple as that.  Don't make the assumption that the band is not going to be as good live before you have even seen them.  There is no doubt it will be different but check them out first and them give an option based on that. Lastly, I agree with johnconaway that the band is team effort and I don't think that is going to change.  Jim is doing his solo thing and that's fine but i think that if he thought it was impacting the band, causing tension, etc. he would give it up.  


well i just downloaded some music from the CatsCradle show.  And i have to say while you can hear the slight difference of the les Paul sound vs. the SG his playing seems to be spot on.  I mean every nuance of Johnny's solo is present; every bend, every slide, hes got it.  Time to taste some puddin' tomorrow night. 8)


Hmm... I have to say I wouldn't be all that surprised if the new members wouldn't last. At least not both. You know with Chris, he departed very soon. Patrick's a different story, 'cuz Jim and he were friends in highschool, or earlier. Anyways, we'll see, but yes indeed, Johnny will be hard to replace and the sound will change. And yes, I also think that Jim is not gonna let his plans and ideas get changed radically 'cuz there are new guys in the band. But that doesn't mean I think he's gonna be some kind of dictator. I do think however that the first new release we are going to get is gonna be another solo thing by Jim, just like Chocolate and Ice. Or maybe I just hope so, 'cuz damn, I love that album. Anyway... The only thing I can say that things are definitely going to change and that none of us, and Jim neither, I think, can say in what way. But I trust it will be good.

P.S. About the 'spooks' of The Tennessee Fire, yes, you are absolutely right. But still I think the best thing they ever released are the Split EP and It still moves... But it's a damn close call. TTF will always be very special to me.
I'm ready when you are


Thanks, Mr. O. Glad to see my point was taken. A couple things to remember: on this very site, doesn't it list the new members as 'on the road' or something? Also, departed drummers Jeremy and Chris were basically asked to leave, and Johnny and Danny left on their own free will. Finally--and again, I admit I haven't seen the current lineup, but will do so willingly as soon as they come to my part of town--all the feedback I'm hearing is that the new guys are 'on point' and 'getting the nuances down exactly' opposed to adding something different and new. True, that could change with time, but I still think they're stand-ins for the time being. And I've heard they even LOOK like Johnny and Danny, which adds a weird element.
And I've just gotten around to giving 'Chocolate and Ice' proper attention. Not bad. Ironically, I first heard the '...3 or 4 years' segment a couple days after Johnny's departure was announced.
Have a great weekend folks. Stay warm!


A Conversation with Johnny Quaid of My Morning Jacket
[13 October 2003]
by Matt Gonzales
PopMatters Music Critic

"Tons of people have asked us, 'Are you guys leaving Louisville now that you're taking off?' In my mind, our success is even a bigger reason to stay here. We tour so much that by the time we're done, we want to go home. We've got so much more space there -- fresh air, lots of room to breathe. It feels great after being in all of these congested cities, where you feel kind of suffocated. There might be one or two of us that are interested in trying out somewhere else for a short while, just to get a new vibe; a new perspective. But Louisville is home, and our studio out in the country is our creative haven."

Whole interview:


Man, my friend and I somehow wanted to be randomly chosen to fill Johnny and Danny's positions (I play guitar, a Gibson SG specifically, and he plays a Fender Rhodes etc...  A coindcidence or some crazy cosmic fate? )!  Jim, email me and we can join the band :D


Mike, did your friend and you decide that recently or where you already joking about it before they left the band? 'Cuz if it were the latter, that'd be a weird coincidence. In that case, I think you deserve to be in the band!  :D
I'm ready when you are