petition for MMJ to take beastie boys place at ACL

Started by big_hungry_joe, Jul 20, 2009, 11:28 PM

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big hungry joe

while i hope for adam yauch's speedy recovery, this is a brilliant time for MMJ to take a headlining spot on that night in their place.



I'd love for this to be true but I'm thinking when they said no more tour dates in 2009 they meant it. :(
MMJ Shows 2005-2023 [32]


QuoteAnd also at the Outside Lands Festival....

MCA- speedy and complete recovery....

Outside Lands- Yes, please! I'm flying out there with 4 friends and I would freak if MMJ filled in.

Do I really expect it- No and that's ok.

The Yeah Yeah Yeah's took over for them at Lolla, I wonder if they'll do it for OL too?
Because we're all in this together...


mmj at ACL would be insane. doubtful but still exciting to dream. Jay-z is filling beasties spot at All Points West. maybe kinda cool
sometimes you'll see a strange spot in the sky, A human being that was given to fly.


Quotemmj at ACL would be insane. doubtful but still exciting to dream. Jay-z is filling beasties spot at All Points West. maybe kinda cool

I heard this and I hope Jay fills in at Outside Lands too! Sick!
Because we're all in this together...


MMJ playin at ACL would be a dream come true!  :)


It would be a dream come true!  Alas, it's not going to happen...Yeah Yeah Yeahs have been announced as the replacement headliner at ACL.

And Dan Auerbach has an aftershow the same night.  Woot!
God sure baked a lot of fruitcake, baby.


QuoteAnd also at the Outside Lands Festival....

Looks like Tenacious D is the replacement...
Because we're all in this together...


has anyone heard anymore news on who's taking their place at ACL?
sometimes you'll see a strange spot in the sky, A human being that was given to fly.


Nope.  No replacement has been confirmed by C3, the company who puts on ACL (and Lolla).
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires