5 years wearing the Jacket

Started by otter, Apr 27, 2007, 11:29 AM

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I haven't posted in a very long time, but I just realized it's been 5 years (almost to the day), since I stumbled onto MMJ. I went to see two Beth Orton concerts on consecutive nights in Chicago and Detroit and the boys opened for her.

I hadn't ever heard of them prior, but I remember going home both nights not really thinking of Beth's sets (no disrespect to her), all I could say to myself was "Did I like those guys as much as I thought?" I was blown away by their sound....still am

I'm still of the opinion after five years that this is by far the best Rock N Roll band since bands like Zeppelin and AC/DC. Better than any grunge, after the hey day of rock n roll.....certainly better than any recent band.

A quick hi to John Conaway, O, C.C., Jackson, Dani, and Jezebel if any of you are still on here. I still have pictures from when Scott and I came down to Louiville to meet you from Michigan to see MMJ open for Dylan at Jillians. Fun stuff. Hope all is well....see you out there on the road soon.


Happy Anniversary! [smiley=beer.gif]
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Hi there otter. Long time no see. That's a cool anniversary  :D
I'm about a year behind you.


A quick hi to John Conaway, O, C.C., Jackson, Dani, and Jezebel if any of you are still on here. I still have pictures from when Scott and I came down to Louiville to meet you from Michigan to see MMJ open for Dylan at Jillians. Fun stuff. Hope all is well....see you out there on the road soon.

Interesting.  My 4 year anniversary happens to be from that show at Jillians in May of '03.  I went to see Dylan, and left blown away by My Morning Jacket.  Haven't stopped listening to them since.


Congrats! Keep On Jackin'!  ;)
"demon eyes are watchin' everywhere"


Beth Orton rocks, and as well as MMJ and M. Ward, she loves Warp Records.  8-)

What up Otter!


Thanks for sharing that story  :). I have a funny story that happened recently...at my job we have to park in a parking garage...all the spots on the 1st and 2nd levels are "reserved" so you have to drive up to the third level...when leaving for the day...people who don't know how to drive properly tend to drive very slowly...backing up the whole garage...i got frustrated towards the gate and passed someone real quick, giving them a look as I passed...so a few days later I roll into work with my Jacket Hoodie on...all the higher ups were standing around chatting and then all of a sudden one of them says, "oh my god, it was YOU!" she points at my hoodie and says, you were the one who got mad at me in the garage, I recognize you because of the My Morning Jacket bumper sticker on my VW. oops  :'(

ps: Is Jim really hairless?
thank you too jim


beth orton is freaking fantastic, and that's a sweet story ya got there.

happy anniversary indeed  :)

MMJ blows my mind everytime i listen to em.
The fact that my hearts beating, is all the proof you need.