OBH2 I'm bringing a few Euro board games. Any interest?

Started by fortbethel, Aug 03, 2014, 01:52 PM

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I'll for sure have 'ticket to ride' and 'five crowns' and 'Dominion' to at  least teach. Good gaming beach side. It'll be fun


Quote from: fortbethel on Aug 03, 2014, 01:52 PM
I'll for sure have 'ticket to ride' and 'five crowns' and 'Dominion' to at  least teach. Good gaming beach side. It'll be fun

I'd be interested. Always up to learn some new games.



I'm coming a day early to the resort. I'll knock myself out to find several spots for us to game in case I find a table taken will have several backup tables to go to both indoors and outdoors.

I also play much more advanced games like Eclipse and Puerto Rico but I'd rather stick to the introductory simple euro games for the sole purpose of introducing this style gaming to new people.


Sounds interesting.  I've never heard of those, but I'm up for trying them out.


It's a cross between Monopoly and Dungions and dragons ( without the spirituality) is the best way to describe this style gaming. Here's a three minute video on 'ticket to ride'



I am so jealous i can't go. I'm saving up for next year. OBH 3 here we come!
Can you keep it simple? Can you let the snare crack? Can you let it move without holding back?


Great idea! Eurogames are a blast. Really wish I were going to OBH2... I'd make sure to bring a Dominion expansion and some of my faves... Citadels, Lost Cities, 7 Wonders, and Agricola.

Have fun. I'm so jealous again this year...


Really appreciate all the enthusiasm folks. Just please don't flake on me like 85 % of my CL personals pre dawn hook ups. I dislike being stood up.


I'd be interested. Keep me updated and in mind, if you would be so kind.
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