Do you find yourself...

Started by The_DARK, May 30, 2007, 12:29 AM

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..quoting MMJ lyrics in everyday life? I find myself unconsiously using lines from MMJ songs like "We'll keep it off the record" and "Anytime's a good time to move on" in conversations. Anyone else do this?
In another time, in another place, in another face


when i'm in class, i'll write some lines from songs.  :D
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


Yeah, and what's worse is I sing them to people who are utterly horrified!

"Sooooo, are you ready to goooooo?


But seein you feels good, and its always understood.
That anything much sweeter would make me die.


My birthday is March 19th which also happens to be the day that the war officially started with Iraq.  We were out at a bar celebrating my birthday when the announcement was on the news. everyone got quiet and all the energy was sucked out of the place. My husband and i also refer to it as the birthday that was "stolen as the war begun".

it also happens to be my favorite song, but not a particularly happy memory.


ahaha, I DEFINITELY do, and "Anytime is a good time to move on" is certainly one of them as well. haha
The fact that my hearts beating, is all the proof you need.

Angry Ewok

When I'm at work and my boss has me re-do something or work against something I had already done, I murmur the first line from Come Closer...

"Soooo I slaaaveeee awaaaaayyyy...."
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


QuoteYeah, and what's worse is I sing them to people who are utterly horrified!

"Sooooo, are you ready to goooooo?


hahaha, yeah.  i caught myself singing to someone "talk is often cheap and filled with air" while watching some politician talk on TV the other day.   :)