Danny Cash article

Started by thebigbang, Jan 28, 2004, 04:20 PM

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true hip, but THAT is what happens when you have people on the inside of the industry.

but the strokes are still a kick ass band, hype or no.

what gets on my nerves is how it seems more time is spent on the hair and redneck references than the actual music most times when people write about them.

sorry, but playing the same set every night is BORING.  and if you think its boring as a fan you should try doing it in the band.  BUT, when you release an album on a major label you pretty much HAVE to play the songs off that album.  this isnt the good old days anymore.  you dont get a 3-5 hour slot to go crazy in.  there is a limit on your playing time and a record company to please.  thats just the reality of being signed sometimes.

im sure as time passes though, they will mix things up a bit more.  but maybe not. because once the next album comes out they will need to play THOSE songs and anyway, i like it as it is.  i HEAR what your saying though and im not here to diss you for your opinion.

i just cant wait to happen to run into them when im out on vacation again.  i LOVE seeing the jacket out of town.  it seems much better than here.  too many scene makers out to diss and be douchebags.


peanut butter puddin surprise

Quotetoo many scene makers out to diss and be douchebags


Seriously though, what do you mean by that, and do you have anyone in particular in mind with those comments?  ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Yes, DD, I hadn't even thought of the Major Record Company story... On the gigs I visited, they played It still moves entirely, except for "Rollin'Back"...
I'm ready when you are


You guys need to relax. The fact that bands play the same material every night and most of it is off their newest release is not unique to MMJ. I can remember seeing Van Halen 3x on their 1984 tour (when they still rocked) and they did the exact thing every night, and it was not boring or trite nor did I get the feeling that they were under the spell of the big bad record company. Unless you follow some jam band, then you should EXPECT to hear pretty much the same material every night. That's how it works. Setlists are made up of songs for 95% of the crowd, which will only see the band ONCE during the tour. It's called hit em with your best shot and make them come see you when you return. I know there are exceptions to the rule, but that's just how it works, mostly. There seems to be this hip, Dead thing where people follow the band around as if they are part of the band, which is silly to me. The Dead could pull it off b/c that was that generation. I know Phish and Widespread have the same, but it was really sad when Jerry died and all those D'Heads looked at each other and went, "Now what?" I can't wait to see MMJ again, and I really could care less if they played OBH to open and close the show. If that what Jim wants to do, then so be it. If I don't like it, I won't go see them anymore. I can't imagine seeing Hendrix or Zeppelin (or any of my favorite bands touring today, MMJ being one of them) and being disappointed b/c of their redundant set list. It's just music folks, it shouldn't encompass your whole existence; leave that for the band members. I'm out. :)


You saw Van Halen in '84?! Holy shit, you're a lucky man. I read that they not only played the same set, but included several extended solo spots. True? I've got the Hagar video from '85 or '86 (actually not bad; Hagar can play some pretty good guitar), but the drum and bass solos are pretty bad. That's an example of having too much time to fill up for a show. I'll take the Dead flying off into outer space for an hour before any individual crap. And true, it is the norm to stick to one set, but I gotta say if I had my choice, I'd vote for a wider variety of songs. But I'm just a fan...
Back to MMJ...anybody heard if they're releasing more tickets for the Chicago show with Bright Eyes? I'm gonna hate missing that one since it sold out.

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteIt's just music folks, it shouldn't encompass your whole existence

So, I've been living a dream?  ;)

And as for Van Halen, they were EVERYWHERE back in those days.  They were the true kings of rock, heavy rotation on the radio, their videos played constantly...alas, I never saw them live.

But I did see (back in the day):

Twisted Sister   1984
Dio              84-85
Bryan Adams      85
Black Sabbath    83
Rush             82-87
Dead             87-88
Plant            88
Page             88

and countless others.  the five or so times I saw Rush, the setlist changed on each tour to reflect the new record, but they had a format where they opened with the same classic tune (Spirit of Radio) and closed with several encores of classic tunes (2112, Limelight, Tom Sawyer, Subdivisions, etc.)  Maybe MMJ could open with "Mahgheeta" and close with "Lil Billy"??  Hmmmmmmm.....

The classic concerts back in the day that were more than just experiences were 4 hour epics from Santana.  Now, THAT was a concert experience.  He wouldn't just play a standard setlist, he improvised from night to night well stocked with a catalog of recordings that would make Johnny Cash proud.  Not only is Carlos a gifted guitarist, he's a great bandleader who chooses bandmates with very different backgrounds.

What does this mean in relation to this thread?  I think I lost my point myself!
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Tell me it wouldn't be cool to see these shows on consecutive nights.

Easy Morning Rebel      
Weeks Go By Like Days      
Heartbreakin Man      
O Is the One That Is Real      
Just Because I Do      
Phone Went West      
Picture of You      
War Begun      
The Way That He Sings
Evelyn Is Not Real
Honest Man
The Bear
Come Closer
I Will Sing You Songs
If All Else Fails
Call Tyrone
Bermuda Highway
I Will Be There When You Die
I Needed It Most
Run Thru

As far as the record company goes, I thought that's why they chose Dave Matthews label...For complete creative control over what where and when they play. Are we saying that MMJ fans wouldn't want to see this or that they don't have it in em' to remember it all?


I agree with those that would like to see the band mix up their live performances a bit.  I understand the whole record label all original songs hit em with your best shot theory... particularly at this stage in the band's progress.  They are on the cusp of becoming very big and are out there on the road sending home the message night after night in all its sonic fury.  The message is clear... they WANT TO BE ROCK STARS!  The focus right now is obviously not to cater to the loyal minority that will follow them from show to show... it's to get new bodies into the shows... new fans... new minds to blow.

That being said, I hope that this "Recruiting Phase" is temporary because they will eventually have to rely on their loyal fans to fill their shows... the press/music industry buzz won't last forever.  The fact that they have excluded doing any covers lately shows that they want to gain their notoriety playing their own songs.  That's admirable... but slightly egotistical if they only exclude them out of fear of upstaging their original tunes.  There are a lot of great songs out there that could mix nicely into MMJ's catalog.  Jim does covers at his solo gigs.  I can't think of any great bands that never covered another artist's songs.  It's a way of paying respect to your influences.  It's also a great way to add some variety to a show.

Another thing I'd like to see is Carl singing a couple of his songs.  Have you checked out his website?  'Just Enough' & 'We've been had' are great songs.  Some Carl songs would be a nice addition to the complexity of the MMJ experience.


I saw MMJ in DC at the 9:30 Club.  I'd have gladly gone back three or four nights in a row for the exact same show.  There is such desperation out here for some real rock n' roll, people care less about play lists than they do about what is played.  I was around when you could choose from a whole bunch of hot bands. Now this generation has crap like that moron (in-sink, or whatever) dancing with a woman old enough to be his mother (maybe it should be oedipus sink).  This is cultural deprivation!!!!  Actually, I'm hoping for MMJ spin offs, clones, etc. as long as we get some decent f...ing music!  


QuoteNow this generation has crap like that moron (in-sink, or whatever) dancing with a woman old enough to be his mother (maybe it should be oedipus sink).

What the hell? Who is that?  ???
I'm ready when you are


Sorry to be obscure.  "That moron" is Justin Timberlake and the woman old enough to be his mother is the lovely Janet Jackson -- dancing together at Superbowl 1/2 time.  Technically, she's old enough to be his mother, although my researchers tell me she would have been 15.  I think that boy bands and any Jackson's music sucks.  I'm hoping that hot bands like MMJ start getting the big venues and that Justin and Janet get a gig at Pony Tails, Atlanta's amateur strip club.


Ah, okay, that makes sense. Well, Justin Timberlake is a clone of Michael Jackson in his good days, and let's admit, Michael Jackson in his good days was fucking awesome! But, err, yes, I get your point.
I'm ready when you are