Observations from Letterman Show

Started by emmetg, Oct 15, 2010, 12:29 AM

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Witness MMJ

Can anyone help me with some observations I saw from the Letterman show:

Jim James had a neck chain and on it was a small key, I wonder what is that for?

The scarf he wears, I notice he wears it a lot on stage, I wonder is it a family scarf, something close to him ??

Did anyone else notice near the end of the set, after they finished Touch Me Pt 2 and before the start of One Big he waited for the stage guy to give him his guitar and seemed pissed, anyone else notice that?



I think the key on his chain might have been to the guitar case?

There's Still Time.........


Jim was pissed because he and that guitar tech were put in the same hotel room and the guy snored all night!

The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


lol i wish Drunkre still posted here.. MMJ used to have a guitar tech back in 2005, we called him Slayerman because he always wore a Slayer shirt, and Drunkre was drunk (imagine that) at the Sloss Furnace yelling to him that "Boston SUX"

Slayerman had a Boston Redsox logo tattooed on his neck.. he was no amuse.