Roll Call: Z: Night 4: October 22

Started by thepennylaneNYC, Sep 14, 2010, 08:52 AM

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QuoteSounds like some of you need some thicker skin or maybe check out some other boards and see how insanely "roses and lavender" this place is.  

I think Hacksaw's opinion is ridiculous on last night's show.  I thought it was an outstanding performance with insane energy, based on what I was watching on-stage and picking up from the people around me.  "Lay Low" was my personal highlight and I don't see how anyone can say that it wasn't "jammed out."  The interplay between Jim and Carl during the jam was one of the coolest moments for me of either night I've seen (ISM and Z).

I agree that parts of "Dondante" seemed forced.  I thought the very same thing that Hacksaw says when I watched it.  I don't feel like it derailed the show at all and, if anything, the way they brought the jam back into the song and finished it out saved the song from the ills of any "self-indulgent" jamming (which I don't dispute there being).

But the point is, Hacksaw should be able to say what he wants without you all whining about how not everyone was able to go.  Of course not everyone was able to go, and that sucks.  But there's no need to act like the band can do no wrong and any criticism of their performance is tantamount to blasphemy.  

Hacksaw, I may disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death the right to say it.

Great show, though.  Great fucking show.  Can't wait for tonight.

Don't give me some 1st Amendment bullshit. He's a troll, plain and simple. Don't make me call Tyrone

It's the Internet d00d.  It's all in the game.


QuoteSounds like some of you need some thicker skin or maybe check out some other boards and see how insanely "roses and lavender" this place is.  

I think Hacksaw's opinion is ridiculous on last night's show.  I thought it was an outstanding performance with insane energy, based on what I was watching on-stage and picking up from the people around me.  "Lay Low" was my personal highlight and I don't see how anyone can say that it wasn't "jammed out."  The interplay between Jim and Carl during the jam was one of the coolest moments for me of either night I've seen (ISM and Z).

I agree that parts of "Dondante" seemed forced.  I thought the very same thing that Hacksaw says when I watched it.  I don't feel like it derailed the show at all and, if anything, the way they brought the jam back into the song and finished it out saved the song from the ills of any "self-indulgent" jamming (which I don't dispute there being).

But the point is, Hacksaw should be able to say what he wants without you all whining about how not everyone was able to go.  Of course not everyone was able to go, and that sucks.  But there's no need to act like the band can do no wrong and any criticism of their performance is tantamount to blasphemy.  

Hacksaw, I may disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death the right to say it.

Great show, though.  Great fucking show.  Can't wait for tonight.

Don't give me some 1st Amendment bullshit. He's a troll, plain and simple. Don't make me call Tyrone

It's the Internet d00d.  It's all in the game.

(Callin it the Internet don't make it right, boss.)
I'm surrounded by assholes


QuoteSounds like some of you need some thicker skin or maybe check out some other boards and see how insanely "roses and lavender" this place is.  

I think Hacksaw's opinion is ridiculous on last night's show.  I thought it was an outstanding performance with insane energy, based on what I was watching on-stage and picking up from the people around me.  "Lay Low" was my personal highlight and I don't see how anyone can say that it wasn't "jammed out."  The interplay between Jim and Carl during the jam was one of the coolest moments for me of either night I've seen (ISM and Z).

I agree that parts of "Dondante" seemed forced.  I thought the very same thing that Hacksaw says when I watched it.  I don't feel like it derailed the show at all and, if anything, the way they brought the jam back into the song and finished it out saved the song from the ills of any "self-indulgent" jamming (which I don't dispute there being).

But the point is, Hacksaw should be able to say what he wants without you all whining about how not everyone was able to go.  Of course not everyone was able to go, and that sucks.  But there's no need to act like the band can do no wrong and any criticism of their performance is tantamount to blasphemy.  

Hacksaw, I may disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death the right to say it.

Great show, though.  Great fucking show.  Can't wait for tonight.

Don't give me some 1st Amendment bullshit. He's a troll, plain and simple. Don't make me call Tyrone

It's the Internet d00d.  It's all in the game.

(Callin it the Internet don't make it right, boss.)

I'm all about his right to speak but I can disagree with his comments.....sounds like he's one of those hipsters that hates jambands and the it hacksaw

Weeks Go by Like Days

QuoteAnyone else not hear Tommy during Beats 4 U? Sound guy sucked.

The crowd was surprisingly good despite the glowsticks, at least on the third floor.
Perhaps you should remove the feces from your ears :'(


2nd favorite show of the week (behind TF). Oh yeah, and after the show we witnessed a murder at some diner. Like, literally some dude shot and killed some other guy.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Quote2nd favorite show of the week (behind TF). Oh yeah, and after the show we witnessed a murder at some diner. Like, literally some dude shot and killed some other guy.

You couldn't revive him with the vitality of bananas?
I'm surrounded by assholes


Quote2nd favorite show of the week (behind TF). Oh yeah, and after the show we witnessed a murder at some diner. Like, literally some dude shot and killed some other guy.

You couldn't revive him with the vitality of bananas?

I did get a free sandwich out of it. But seriously, it was terrifying.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Quote2nd favorite show of the week (behind TF). Oh yeah, and after the show we witnessed a murder at some diner. Like, literally some dude shot and killed some other guy.

You couldn't revive him with the vitality of bananas?

I did get a free sandwich out of it. But seriously, it was terrifying.

I can imagine. Shit. Is this the story?
I'm surrounded by assholes


Quote2nd favorite show of the week (behind TF). Oh yeah, and after the show we witnessed a murder at some diner. Like, literally some dude shot and killed some other guy.

You couldn't revive him with the vitality of bananas?

I did get a free sandwich out of it. But seriously, it was terrifying.

I can imagine. Shit. Is this the story?

Thats it. It was crazy. We hid under our table then took the fuck off.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Quote2nd favorite show of the week (behind TF). Oh yeah, and after the show we witnessed a murder at some diner. Like, literally some dude shot and killed some other guy.



Quote2nd favorite show of the week (behind TF). Oh yeah, and after the show we witnessed a murder at some diner. Like, literally some dude shot and killed some other guy.


Yeah for real.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Wow ghosts, that is horrifying, I cannot imagine.

Hacksaw=major troll.  That said, I felt like last night was the least energized of the 4 so far, definitely was lacking
something compared to the other shows, but still an absolutely amazing night of rock, was so excited to hear the lullabies legends and lies, that was a treat. These shows have been everything I ever expected and beyond, just wow!!

And to answer someones question from a few pages back, they didn't have bananas at nye 06 Fillmore show, Jim did the schpeel on bananas, but no fruit was tossed! And yes, pattrick has a gun, he was freaking huvkin those things. Jim throws like a girl! ;D


Last night was really amazing. I wasn't the excited for Evil Urges but after last night it has me really excited.


Took my friend to this show.  He had seen them back in 2006 and he remembered really enjoying it but didn't start listening to them.  I bought him a ticket and drug him.  He was blown away.  We ended up being around 5-10 rows back in the middle.  From our vantage point, the sound was good, but seemed a little more muddled than the other nights.  The energy in our area was great for the entire 1st set except for the dude in front of me who didn't even bob his head once while checking the Yankee scores incessantly. ;D ;D  I really did anticipate them to stretch out OTR even more but they made up for it with Dondante.  For me, they could have played it for 30 minutes with Carl just blowing one note for the last 10 minutes and it would have been perfect.

The 2nd set was interesting.  I wanted to hear A Quick One for than anything and it was majestic and rockin'!  It was also great to hear Where to Begin.  However, for many parts of the floor, the energy seemed to dwindle because not everybody knew all the songs.  How Do You Know had some rock in it!

The body surfer dude came flying in from behind me and as people behind me dropped him, I took a solid swinging back heel to the face.  Also, two ridiculously wasted assholes came flying through sometime in the first set.  Once pushed passed me but I stood in front of the other.  I told him,  "If you fuckin' try to get in front of me, I will fuckin' call security!"   ;D ;D  However stupid that sounded, it worked and dude left.

Good times, good times
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

ahaha, way to lay it down ruckus.  next time hacksaw tries getting in front of you at a show do us all a favor and kick him in the balls.

so they did play How Do You Know?  that's one of my favorites for sure.  god damn.  I don't know I kinda think the Z encore looks more awesome than the ISM's encore.  even tho they are both heaven sent.

makes ya wonder if preservation jazz band is going to make an appearance or something for evil urges.  Move on up seems a little predictable but I'm kinda expecting them to bust that out tonight.  what do you guys think?  It'd be awesome if they played all the new tunes that are ready for the new album.  Then again if tonight is evil urges "and beyond" who knows it could be anything.

what are these shows clocking in at?  

ps.  nice work eating the bands protein penny, I knew you could do it.  ;)  they literally threw their proverbial penis's into the audience when they launched those banana's.  Is that going to be a new thing at shows?  throwing banana's?  they're toying with us people.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote2nd favorite show of the week (behind TF). Oh yeah, and after the show we witnessed a murder at some diner. Like, literally some dude shot and killed some other guy.

horrible man.  that shit sounds like it would have gave me post traumatic stress.  


First, I blame Ruckus for the 1:00 am rumor.

[shaking fist] [size=20]RUCKKKKKUSSSSSSSS! [/size]

I think we'll get a few covers but not as many. Maybe the staples from a few years back - get down on it, move on up, celebration. If not, I won't complain since I got my Quick One. I don't expect Sweet Nuthin or Lovin' Cup to make an appearance though.

I'm hoping for Ciruital, Friends Again, and maybe one or two more at least sketeches of songs.
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff


We had a great time at the show last night outside of the guy and girl standing behind us that decided once the encore started that it was more important to talk about dying their hair and what they ate for dinner last night. Twice I had to turn around and ask them to keep it down. The second time I just yelled "I can't hear Jimmy!" lol

I thought the night was as good as it gets... everyone is entitled to their own opinions but the Hacksaws were definitely at last nights show. Which sucks, but what can you do.... just not let it bother your fun I guess... which we didn't.


...and I loved Holly Miranda... and I really wish there weren't so many people talking during her whole set!



last night was my least favorite of the 4 shows now.  Hopefully the boys will end the week with a bang tonight.